The Raven

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Time seemed to stop as though it never existed in the first place. Jack felt a sense of entrapment he had never felt before as he watched Jeff raise his knife to (Y/n)'s bare stomach, watching her attempt to wiggle out of his restraints while screaming. Helpless couldn't begin to cover what he felt. A man who typically was excellent at making decisions on the fly, was now standing while unable to speak, watching as what he tried so hard to prevent happen anyways. And all because of Jeff's proposal that Jack had developed feelings for a human being. It couldn't be. It had to be because she can help me figure myself out. Only this and nothing more...

There was but one potential trick up his sleeve that Jack possessed. Something he never really showed since he was never proud of it, and even was ashamed. While Jeff brought his knife up to (Y/n)'s stomach, Jack slowly and silently slipped his right glove off his hand, letting it fall to the ground like a leaf during autumn. In order for this to work, I need to be as quiet as possible and as quick as possible. If I'm not successful... the results will be catastrophic to her. Taking one last breath in before he committed fully to the potentially fatal blow, Jack put himself in a running position before running in between Jeff and the woman with the fastest possible strength he could muster in his current weakened state. Using his long claws, Jack slashed Jeff's stomach, resulting in Jeff stumbling backwards due to both surprise and pain entering his system. While Jeff was stunned, Jack turned around and slashed every rope holding (Y/n) up, resulting in her falling to the ground. Jack caught her effortlessly bridal style, ensuring his claws did not touch her skin. Jack turned just in time to dodge Jeff's attempted knife attack, but not in time to stop him from cutting (Y/n)'s shin, resulting in a blood curdling scream resounding through the warehouse.

Jack continuously jumped backwards in reaction to Jeff's knife swings. Although he was seemingly losing the battle, Jeff's grin only got wider with each attempt. Deciding that he could not effectively run away with (Y/n) in his arms while Jeff chased them, Jack made the bold decision to run away as fast as he could to the back of the room they were in. Setting (Y/n) down on the ground as gently as he could, Jack noticed how bad her wound truly was on her shin. I'll have to treat that later... right now there is a more pressing matter at hand. Jack turned back to look at his opponent, who was waiting patiently for Jack to engage in battle while in a fighting stance, knife pointing at Jack. There seemed to be an unspoken agreement between the two, one that stated they were both at-risk to lose the chess match.

Lunging at each other simultaneously, it was clear that Jack was more exhausted than Jeff as they clashed. Perhaps Jeff was able to receive rest by being able to tie (Y/n) up while waiting for Jack to arrive, whereas Jack had been running on one hour of sleep and adrenaline for the past 35 hours; not to mention, Jack's expended energy on healing his wounds repeatedly and having to use excessive amounts of strength and speed. It was a miracle that Jack was still standing, let alone able to keep up with Jeff's numerous attempts to slash him with his knife. Dodging was wasting energy, and Jack knew that. He needed to come up with a plan, and fast. Before he could even plan out his strategy, Jeff was successful in landing a fatal blow to Jack's shoulder, resulting in Jack collapsing due to lack of energy. Breathing heavily, Jeff smiled even wider at his success. It's about time to I put you down, dog. Turning towards the girl that was laying on the ground, face scrunched up with pain while clutching her leg, Jeff giggled to himself. This is gonna be such fun. As he approached the girl once again, she looked up at him 

with pleading eyes that were begging to live.

"Don't worry, doll. I'm not going to kill you. If I may give some friendly advice? You'd look a lot more beautiful with a smile on your face." With a sinister grin, Jeff lowered himself so that he was on top of her, straddling the woman below him. As she screamed and hit him with all her strength, he was able to pin both arms above her head before leaning over her and putting his knife up to her face. Before he could make his first incision, Jeff was suddenly tackled to the side, causing him to drop his knife. Jack was now on top of Jeff, and with an evil glint in Jack's eyes, he began pounding Jeff in the face with his fists, before using his still ungloved hand to slash Jeff's face and stomach apart. After several minutes of letting his anger out on Jeff, Jack finally stopped after realizing he could no longer continue to fight. Deciding to stand up, Jack stood over Jeff's mutilated body, breathing laboriously. Checkmate. Too bad he's not dead, but good thing it will take him a long time to get back up. Jack looked over at the terrified woman who had witnessed the entire debacle, laying just a few feet away from the whole thing. Jack slowly approached her, holding his hands up in the air in a surrender position, hand still out of his glove.

"I'm not going to hurt you, and I sure as hell am not going to let him lay another fucking finger on you." Walking closer to her, he noticed a lot of apprehension still emanating from the girl's aura. However, she allowed him to continue to close the distance between them. Jack got on his knees and held her leg to inspect the cut on her shin closer, causing (Y/n) to wince in pain. "I'm sorry, but I need to look at this. I brought some medical supplies, so I can heal your wound." As Jack finished his sentence, he looked at her stomach, seeing that Jack had indeed managed to draw one solid cut on it. Turning around while still crouched on the floor, he held his arms out behind him. "I know this is kind of awkward and it might hurt for you, but I need you to jump on my back. We need to get out of here. Plus, I left my backpack with my supplies at the other end of the warehouse." (Y/n) hesitated, but obliged his request, nonetheless. After all, what other choice did she have? Jack began to carry (Y/n) after putting his glove back on and, upon retrieving the backpack, left the warehouse on a quest to escape the now mangled Jeff. 

Author's Note: I will be double uploading in honor of Thanksgiving! 4 chapters coming your way this week rather than 2. Please enjoy! Bonus points for whoever can understand why I called this chapter The Raven!

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