The Runaways

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Jack shook his head as doubts plagued his mind. Of course, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with (Y/n), who was right by his side within the passenger seat of the van. How could it possibly work, however, when the best plan she could present was to simply continue driving and hope for the best? Well… her plan was not technically that simple, but to Jack who had spent the last several years of his life within the mansion essentially being controlled, he found himself having a difficult time believing it could possibly be that easy. After several moments of silence and processing (Y/n)’s plan the best he could, Jack decided to summarize it out loud to ensure they were on the same page. “So… let me get this straight. Your plan is to find the group of human assassins and tell them where the mansion is, in hopes of distracting them while we drive away?”

 (Y/n) firmly nodded her head as determination filled her features with confidence. “That’s right. Toby told me the reason I was even brought to the mansion in the first place was because my place as a human will allow them to use me to manipulate others into joining the team. But I had a hunch that as soon as I heard about the group of assassins, they would try to convince me into trapping them at some point. My solution? Do the opposite and get the assassins to trap them.”

 Jack breathed out in exhaustion as he continued to ponder the plan. “Okay, but you do know that it will be so much easier said than done?” Before (Y/n) could even respond, Jack continued. “Especially if they know that I’m with you. They would never let me escape. Besides, how will you gain their trust? It also seems you don’t even know the name of the group or any of the other basic information.”

 (Y/n) gestured towards Jack to slow down and breathe, to which he obliged. “Relax.” Placing her hand on his arm comfortingly, she continued. “I’m aware of all of this. I won’t disclose to the assassins that you’re with me. As for the rest of the information that I need, I was hoping you could disclose that to me and let me do the rest. I’m sure you have had meetings about this group. I overheard Jane and Clockwork discussing that this has been an issue for the mansion for a long time now. But before that, we should really keep driving.”

 Jack nodded before turning the car back on and driving straight forward. “You’re right, I do have more information. I have to warn you though, we have very little to work with. The group is called Reapers of Justice. Rumor has it that they may work for the government or FBI, but we don’t really know that for a fact. They specialize in assassinating threats to humanity that goes beyond the scope of normalcy, hence why they’re after us. Word has it they know we exist because of a victim of Toby’s that survived and lived to tell the tale. The Reapers of Justice kept the victim quiet but investigated the claims and found enough sufficient evidence to think we exist. Thankfully, Toby went far enough for that mission that it wasn’t near the mansion, so they haven’t found us. They have found several of our hideouts, however, and some of our supply warehouses scattered around.” Jack paused to put his window down and stick his arm out. “We don’t quite know where they’re based either, so catch-22 on that one.”

 (Y/n) nodded as she processed the information presented to her. “Do you know how long it took for them to respond to the incident with Toby’s victim that was left behind?”

 “It was around an hour or two after the police were alerted. We only know this because of Ben’s hacking. The phone call that we were able to infiltrate between the group leader and the police chief sounded like the group leader was using a voice recorder. They also explicitly ordered the police to stay out of it, as they had been ordered from some higher power to take over the case. Presumably the government, since the police didn’t argue back. This makes us also think their identities are unknown. We also aren’t sure how many there are.”

 (Y/n) laid her head back into the uncomfortable seat and silence ensued for a bit, both individuals thinking about how they could use what they knew to their advantage. “How long is this mission supposed to be again?”

 “About a week or two, why?”

(Y/n) looked over at Jack and smiled. “Because that’s how long we have to find the Reapers of Justice. We’re never going back to the mansion again.”

 As Jack put his turn signal on, he made eye contact with the woman beside him and smiled beneath his mask. “I don’t know how we’ll do it, but I’m on board. It’s do or die now.”

 As (Y/n) looked out the window with fear and anticipation filling her to the brim, she mumbled out a simple, “Yes, it is,” too quiet for Jack to hear. Truly, famous last words.

 *1:43 PM*

 “Okay, Jack.” (Y/n) had used an old map within the glove compartment to map out their route, along with a notebook and pen for notes regarding the Reapers of Justice. “The town in which Toby committed his crime is called Belden. Considering their extremely fast response to the situation and the estimated arrival time they gave the police on that phone call they can’t be more than an hour and a half away from the scene of the crime. I marked the radius where their hideout is likely to be. They couldn’t have sped too much on their way to the victim’s home, as that would attract too much attention. With that assumption made, it’s safe to say they are almost definitely within this circle.”

 Jack looked over to (Y/n)’s map and shook his head in disappointment. “I’m happy you were able to narrow it down, but it’s still a large enough radius to be nearly impossible for us to find.”

 “That’s what you may think, but their hideout is likely not a normal house or apartment. It’s probably either something run down or a front for something else, like maybe a car wash or a smaller shop. When you think about it like that, there’s only so many areas within Belden that fit that criteria.”

 Jack masked his doubts for the sake of (Y/n)’s hopes. I don’t want to bring her down by telling her my honest thoughts about all of this… I’ll go along with it and hope for the best. For her. “We’ll see what we find, hopefully you’re right. We’re about two hours out from the start of the radius.” Placing his hand on (Y/n)’s thigh and squeezing lightly, Jack continued. “Remember, no matter what happens, we go down fighting.” (Y/n) nodded resolutely before putting her hand on top of his.

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