2) The beginning pt2

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I like writing in second pov so this story will mostly be in it unless i decide to do like your pov or carls or whoever's pov.

Second pov

After days and days of you walking, you finally climbed a tree and sat on a branch, just not wanting to use your legs anymore. You heard snarling from the zombies and tried to hide yourself from them so they would just walk by.

After the herd past you jumped down and ran the other direction that the herd went until you bunped in to someone, or something.  You fell to the ground until you heard a voice "Well well, looks like we finally caught you again, sweetheart." you knew the voice and you looked up at daryl "Daryl.. You son of a bitch, im not going back there." Daryl smirked and just picked you up "Sorry sweetheart, but you know where we are and for all know is that you could tell your people." "I dont have people! I was alone when yall found me!" he nodded as if he didn't believe you and met up with some unfimular guy "Found her rick." so that was rick you thought and rick just nodded.

Shortly afterwards yall caught up with carl and the younger but old looking guy that was chasing you before you ran into carl. "Are we almost to yalls damn prison? Also daryl i can walk so put me down."  daryl looked down at you and then back up "You've been running for the past week, its also clear that you've one break and that was when the heard past you, so no i will not put you down and let you walk."

"Yes we're almost there, glenn tell maggie and carol we're closer and to be ready to open the doors" rick spoke and the younger but old looking one, aka glenn nodded and pulled out a walkie-talkie and did just as rick told him to.

Soon yall arrived at the prison and daryl carried you to the cell you were in before but this time took your knife and the gun.  You sat on the bed in your cell and thought about how you could've ran or something else.

But really you just gave up and layed back on the bed until you heard the cell door to your cell open "Hey i brought food." you heard carl speak "Thanks." he nodded "Thanks for helping me..  Also you're gonna have to earn your place for us to let you roam free." "You're welcome and i figured." you said as you got up to grab the food plate.

Carl handed you it and then left, leaving you alone again.  To eat, sleep and so on, walking bad to your bed you sat on it and ate the food which consumed of corns, noodles, some sort of meat, and greens.   You finished your food and left it at the door, wishing you had grabbed your stuffed bear, you curled up and closed your eyes.

You opened them when you heard the cell door open "Just coming to get your plate y/n." you nodded and curled back up into a ball.  Hearing carl walk out but didnt shut the door, you just stayed in your bed.  Basically you've given up.  You heard carl walk back in and then felt something warm placed over you "Its just a blanket, call me when you wake up, ill bring you food." you nodded and shortly afterwards passed out.

   To be continued..Again..

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