7) The dreams pt2

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You woke up still in carl's arms, you half expected him to move you and get up. But to see he didn't surprised you "Hey.. How you feelin?" you look up at him and moved out of his arms and rubbed your eyes.

"Eh.." Carl sighed "Im sorry y/n, i really am. We tried to help." you nod "I know." and you stand up and hold your hand out.

Carl took it and you both walked out to see the whole group waiting outside.  Clearly not wanting to disturb and maggie ran to you and brought you into a tight hug.

Carl walked off to let you and maggie be.  "We were trying to wait inside but carl said to get out in the fear that we would be too loud.." you smiled and a soft blush appeared on your cheeks.

Maggie looked at your face and almost squealed "Y/n do you like him?!" you cheeks flushed a light but dark red "No?!" "Omg you do!!"

You punched her side, not hard but hard enough to hurt "Ow!"  "Shut up.  No one needs to know, plus i dont know if i do."  she smiled "My my y/n, here i was thinking you didn't like people romantically.  But you just proved me wrong.."

You squirmed out of her arms and walked towards the rest of the group.  Carl wrapped his arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer.    You could feel the blood running to your cheeks making them flushed and you saw maggie behind glenn smirking at you.  

You glared at her and she stopped and mouthed sorry.  Still glaring at her, she walked over to you and carl "Hey can i borrow her?" carl looked away from the person who was talking in the group "why?" "I need to talk to her, ill bring her back tho."  Carl moved his arm and maggie took you away from the group.

"What?" she smiled and shook you "Do you not see?!  He's putting his arm over you protectively!!  And you like it!" your cheeks flushed again "Maggie.." you said drawing out the e.  "How many times are we going to be over this.   I dont know if i do."

Maggie just stared at you "Y/n its clear.   I bet i could ask rick and he'll agree, same with glenn, aberham, roseita, and so on." you rolled your eyes.  Maggie started walking towards the group and you followed behind her.

She pushed you to carl and to your surprise, he caught you by your waist.  He kept hold of your waist for awhile, still listening to the conversation the group was having and you just stood still.

You ended up zoning out but that was cut short by carl pulling you closer to him.  Basically having your ass on his hip.  You cheeks flushed again, maggie looked at you and smirked.  You rolled your eyes at her while smiling.

You were smiling because you realized she was right.   You did in fact like Carl Grimes.  The sheriff's son, the boy you thought you'd never like.   You always had the sense of comfort from him. 

You felt carl try to pull you closer and you tensed.  Never had being this close to someone who wanted to protect you, and someone you liked.  Carl felt you tense and loosened his grip but still kept you close.

He could feel you realize, and soon your body basically molded into his.   You saw this blonde woman walking towards yall "Hey!! Are yall the new people aaron recruited?" rick nodded "Sure are, Im rick, the kid in the sheriffs hat is my son carl, and then his friend y/n.   Then we have Michonne, daryl, aberham, roseita, maggie, glenn, eugene, sasha, and then my daughter judith."

"Well im Jessie.   I have a kid around your son's and his friend's age.  Maybe they could meet?" rick nodded "Sure, Carl and y/n follow jessie." you tried to protest but carl took your hnad and followed behind jessie.

She told yall the way to her son's room and yall walked in to see a girl and two guys.  "Hey im carl, this is y/n.  We're new here." one of the guys looked at yall "Im Ron, thats enid" he said pointing to the girl "and thats mikey."  mikey says hi but enid doesn't "Come on Enid.  Dont be rude." enid waved and mumbled a hi. 

You all hung out for awhile but you stayed close to carl not really trusting Mikey, Ron, and Enid.  You felt like it was clear Enid didn't like tou base off the glares you were getting from her, or maybe she didn't like how you were following Carl around like a lost puppy.

You had to admit it was sorta embarrassing to follow him around but you didn't trust them just yet.  You zoned out but left that zone once you felt carl pull you close.

You looked at him confused "You're tense." he mumbled and you rolled your eyes "and?" you mumbled ehich resulted to him shaking his head. You zoned out again while you're still pressed up against carl.

You feel a tug and then next thing you know you land on carl's lap. Carl continued talking with ron and mikey, you could feel his hand rubbing your side clearly trying to make you calm down so you weren't as tense as you are.

Soon you settled down in his lap, still sorta tense but not as bad as you were. Carl continued to rub your side while talking.

You ended up passing out and were out for awhile. You were still asleep when carl picked you up off his lap and carried you back to the house.

You woke up, almost crying when you did. You stood up really fast and walked around the house looking for carl. You bumped into someone and instantly felt the hands on your waist, catching you.

You knew it was carl and you instantly hugged him and tears brimmed your eyes again. "Shh, what's wrong?" you tightend your grip on him "You-I-" you couldn't even get a sentence out before you started sobbing.

Carl wrapped his arms around you and you buried your face into his chest still crying. You choked out "I had a dream you died.." not thinking carl would hear but oh were you wrong.

He brought a hand up to your head and rubbed it comfortingly. "I'm still here hun.." your cheeks flushed and your sobs slowed down.
"Clearly" you said looking up at him.

He smiled and wiped your tears "Everything is alright." You smiled and buried your face back into his chest. He rubbed your back and you both heard the front door open.

"Hey y/n?!  "In here!" carl yelled and you unburied your face from his chest. "Hey so i was thinkin- Oh." "Thinking what ron?" "Uhh we could hang out but nevermind you're busy." you let go and carl let go but glared at him "She's all yours ron." Ron smiled at him "Enid's at my place and if she isn't then she's going over the walls." he nodded and left.

Runaway - A Carl Grimes x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now