3) The beginning pt3(Last part i swear..)

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Waking up, you thought about calling carl like he said to but you never did because you fell back asleep.  You woke up(again) to the sound of your cell door opening "Hey brought you food, again" he laughed at the end part of his sentence.

You smiled and looked at the tray of food he brought "What is it this time?" "Oh, uh some chicken, corn, greens and water" he smiled and placed the tray down "Come on, maggie needs to clean your cuts." your smile dropped "Cuts?" he nodded and walked to you and rubbed your forehead softly and you flinched "You got one right here" he then grabbed your hand and showed you your knuckles "and one here and some on your legs from the running in the woods, so come on and let me take you to maggie" you nodded and got up following behind carl.

Once yall made it to maggie, she told you to sit down and that it may sting.  After she cleaned your cuts she wrapped them and put some sort of bandaid on your forehead "Carl can you leave, i need to talk to her alone" "y/n.." you mumbled "Y/n's my name." Maggie smiled at you "I need to talk to y/n alone" carl nodded and left the room.

"So y/n.." maggie started off and you looked at her "Yes?" "How many walkers have you killed?" "Walkers?  Thats what yall seriously call them?  They're zombies for goodness sake.  But i lost count after 70." she smiled, impressed.

"Whats the highest you think?" you thought about it for a bit "Uhh.. 700? maybe.." you paused "less..?" maggie nodded "How many people?" you looked away from maggie "Two.." "Why?" "My parents, they were bit by the zombies.." maggie nodded "Carl! Get your father!" "Rick?  The sheriff dude?!" maggie nodded.

You stood up fast almost falling "Why are you getting rick?!" "Y/n calm down he isnt going to do anything bad, just may ask you the same questions i did. Now will you sit back down before you fall." you sat back down on the chair you stood up from.

You heard the door open and you turnt you head to see carl and rick walking in "How many walkers?" rick asked maggie "She lost count after 70." "People?" "Two." you spoke and rick looked down at you "Why?" "They were bit." he nodded "Well she doesn't seem to wanna hurt us so she can be moved from her cell, if you dont mind doing that carl?  and maggie help her find new clothes and show her the shower." 

Maggie nodded and got up, holding her hand out for you to take which you did and you and her walked hand an hand to the showers "Go ahead and get undressed and take your shower, right is cold and left is hot.  Ill be back with your clothes." you nodded as she left.

Once you knew she was gone, you undressed and started your shower, after finishing you grab the towel that she left and wrapped it around your body and sat on the stool where the towel sat.

"Y/n!  I got your clothes." Maggie yelled from the other side of the shower corridor and she walked to where you showered and handed you your clothes.  "Ill be outside, carl has already prepped your new cell.  Dont worry we all sleep in cells.  Your old one was just to make sure you didnt hurt us or anything." you nodded and she left.  Once you changed, you walked out and maggie squealed.

"I didnt think the pants woukd fit so well!" you nodded and she took your hand again and took you to your new cell.   You didn't like calling them cells but thats what they were.   You and maggie walk in to see carl sitting on the bed, reading one of your books.    A specific one you dont want anyone to read so you ran and grabbed it "How much did you read?!" "Read?  I just looked at the pictures, I havent seen a book with pictures in so long.." you exhaled "Sorry.." he smiled "Its all good y/n." lord did your name rolling off his tounge sound good..

"Y/n?!" You snapped out your train of thought "Hm?" "Lunch is gonna be ready soon, wanna join and meet everyone else?" you shook your head not ready to meet new people.  Carl nodded and stood up placing a hand on your shoulder "I understand, its all new.."

  About 20 minutes later

You walked down the steps from your cell and found where everyone was.  People stared at you, some were oblivous to you, Carl turnt around and saw you "You decided to join?" you nod and carl patted the seat beside him "Come on, we dont bite." so you went and sat beside carl.

Rick was passing out the food and he handed you yours "Thanks.." he nodded. Rick spoke "Alright everyone, as you are probably wondering who this new girl is, this is y/n. She's going to stay hopefully?" she looked at you "So please be nice and welcome her."

And just like that everyone, left and right were saying "Hi!" or "Welcome!" you nodded at this and got up to wash your plate.  "Oh its my day y/n, we all switch days.  Don't worry about it." Maggie said but you didnt care and still washed your plate and then left for your cell.

Runaway - A Carl Grimes x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now