Y/N's aesthetic and maybe background. 🔞🔞🔞🔞

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Since im bored we're gonna do aesthetics.
Well just your character's aesthetic.  But yeah!

Y/N M/N L/N aka you, 16, Mother figure: Maggie, Father figure: Glenn. 

And a little back ground about you too and mentions of drugs, alcohol abuse, actual abuse, and suicide

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And a little back ground about you too and mentions of drugs, alcohol abuse, actual abuse, and suicide. So warning if you get triggered by this and dont want to read. Then don't

You, Y/n L/n were in a family of three.   Your mom and dad(or dads/moms) were a "perfect" family as others thought.   Your parents always fought but stayed together for "your" sake.

You would go days without sleeping because you were worried on if your mom/dad would hit your mom/dad.  Some nights while one was at work, the other would come home from the bar shitfaced.   They would yell, scream, hit, punch you. 

You've gotten used to the pain but had to act like it hurt or else it'd be worst and then you wouldn't be used to it anymore.

You felt as if your parents were either always high or drunk.  You never saw them sober.  They always fought, never sober, and always hit you. 

You would get into fights at school and before the principal had the chance to call your parents you'd snatch the phone and tell them no.   Soon everyone became scared of you at school.

Escept for one person.   Your best friend.  But even then, she too was bullied for being your friend and killed herself.

Your parents had been fighting when the apocalypse started and you tried to yell for them but saw them get bit. Your heart was shattered.

Not only were you 13 with many scars and bruises from you parents, but you had to kill them. Of course you'd think you'd be happy since they abused you.

But oh boy were you wrong. You cried and held them in your arms after you took a piece of shattered glass on the floor and stabbed them. Once you realized they wouldn't die everywhere you stabbed, you stabbed them in the head. Of course they died then.

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