9)The second kiss? 🔞

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Soooo there's going to be mentions of like kidnapping and sexual assault, so dont read this chapter if this stuff triggers you please and thank you 🫶. And if you actually went through this kind of stuff, I am so sorry that this happened to you and i'm here for you ❤️

You woke up and turned on your side, reaching for you bear.  Which you knew was beside you but once you didn't feel it you started to panic and sat up.

You searched everywhere, on your bed, under your bed, in your closet, on your dresser.  Everywhere. Once you realized you lost it you ran down the stairs and ran to maggie "Maggie i cant find my bear!" Glenn popped around the corner (again) "I found it, turns out you left it in our room from last night kiddo."

You ran to glenn and took your bear while bringing him into a hug "Thank you, thank you, thank you, tha-" "Y/n calm down, you dont need to keep thanking me" You paused and nodded.

He let go of you so you let go as well. Yall heard a knock on the door and you moved to hide behind glenn. Maggie went to open the door "Hey is y/n up? We cant calm down Judith" Carl laughed nervously.

You peeked your head from around glenn and saw it was carl so you moved from behind him "Yeah im awake." "Can you come help us?" you nodded and told everyone bye and followed carl.

"So whats wrong with judith?" "We think she's teething but we dunno" you nodded and walked inside his house and heard judith screaming and crying.

Out of instinct you ran to where Judith was and took her.  Holding her, you rocked back and forth singing a soothing tone.  Carl was right behind you and saw you holding and comforting her.

You kissed her forehead once she calmed down and placed her in her bed. "Didn't know you were that good.." You smiled and stayed by her bed "Always have been.."

"May i ask about your younger sibling?" You shrug "Sure i guess." "What happened to them?" "Well uh one day he came home from school crying and it looked like someone had like gripped him hard enough to leave bruises.

I had asked him what happened but he didn't say anything, my mom had heard him crying and ran to where we were, she saw him and went to comfort him but he ran to me. It was almost like he was scared of her." "Where were the bruises?"

"Wrists, ankles, arms, and slight discoloration on his neck." Carl stared at you, shocked "Wow.." "He opened up a few weeks later, He was touched inappropriately. And then a few weeks after that he got kidnapped at school."

Carl was shocked at hearing this "Oh my god y/n. Im sorry" and he brought you into a hug, laying his head on top of yours. You didn't expect to find that so comforting but you did. You hugged him back, and yall stayed like that for a bit until he heard the door open and Ron say "Hey Carl, you home?"

Both of you let go of each other instantly and he looked at you "I guess not.." Ron spoke and closed the door. You both let out a sigh "Well I should get going, see you later carl" "Uh yeah see ya-" you started walking but carl gripped your hips and turnt you around.

He hugged you but it seemed like he wanted to do more. "What's that look in your eyes for?" "huh? what look?-" "Like the look of desperation or something.."

He moved his face from ontop of you head and tilted your chin upwards. "Are you okay with it..?" you shrug not understanding what he meant. He brought his face closer and you could feel his breath on your face.

You realized what he meant and you nodded. He pressed his lips against yours. His lips were soft and silky, like cotton candy. His lips were even sweet tasting.

Carl placed his hands on your hips and held them tightly. Carl pulled away once he realized what he did "Sorry if that hurt you-" he spoke embarrassed.

You laughed at his actions but your face was flushed "You're fine, but i really should get going." "Yeah uh see you later, ill come by if i need you again"

You smiled and kissed him on the cheek then left.

Runaway - A Carl Grimes x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now