8) Over the walls

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You shifted your weight from one foot to another, praying carl wouldn't leave but he did. "Im sorry if you're uncomfortable i just wanted to hang out and get to know you" ron spoke, walking up to you.

You backed up and nodded towards the couch. "we can talk there." you spoke quietly, surpised he even heard you "Oh sure." and walked to the couch.  He sat down and you sat on the couch in front of him "So tell me about you, y/n!" you looked at the floor, not wanting to look at him.  "There's not much to know.." he smiled "Well still.   I want to know."

"Uhh.. well what do you wanna know..?" He smiled "You. Everything about you. Your past, your family, the reason why you have that teddy bear, everything."

You tensed up, you haven't shown anyone your bear, you didn't even have it out when yall walked through the gates.

"What bear." "The one in your room?" you stood up fast and made a sprint for ron's house, hoping carl was there with enid.

Once you ran through the door you saw jessie and ran right bye her "Oh hey y/n- oh nevermind." you ran up the stairs to rons room and to your surpise carl and enid were there.

Carl looked at you confused "Im sorry enid but me and carl need to go NOW." Enid nodding and you gripped carls hand hard and went to run down the stairs but stopped when you saw ron.

Your turnt around and ran back up the stairs and went to the window in rons room "Im jumping out.  Stay if you want." and with that you jumped out and landed on your hands and knees.

You got up and ran to rick, carl, michonne and judith's place and ran in.  Rick popped around the corner, shirtless and clearly had been shaving "Hey y/n whats wrong?" carl ran in shortly afterwards and slammed the door locking it.

"What the fuck was that Y/N?!" "CARL!" "Sorry dad." You sighed, finally catching your breath. "Fucking ron.  I knew i didn't trust him from the start, thats what that was carl!"

"What'd he do?" "I never showed anyone my bear right?" he nodded "Yeah well he knew i had one and i asked how'd he knew and he said its in your room.  HE HASNT BEEN IN MY ROOM BEFORE." carl stared at you.

"Oh my god.." rick mumbled and you jumped, forgetting he was there. Carl just stared at you and shook his head "No he would never, he's dating enid." rick glared at his son "Carl think about it!  Y/n hasn't showed everyone her bear!  Only our group."

"Why would he stalk y/n?! Hes dating someone" "Doesn't mean he still wouldnt do it.  Clearly he is stalking her." Carl eyes went wide as if he just comprehended what you and rick said.

"Oh my god." you and rick both nodded, and with that you heard a knock on the door "Hey rick? its me ron."

"What do you need ron?" "Well im looking for y/n and carl for enid." rick looked at both of us and pointed to the closet.

It didn't take long before we understood what he meant and we ran into the closet "Sorry Ron they aren't here!" "Well are you sure?" "Yes ron."

"Well may i come in and chat with you?" rick sighed "Sure ron." and rick went to unlock the door.

Ron walked in. You and carl were close in the closet, really close. Maybe even too close for your liking. You exhaled really loud not meaning to and ron spoke "What was that?" "Oh just me" Carl looked at you and you went to talk quietly but he covered your mouth and shook his head.

Carl removed his hand and you both stood in the closet waiting for ron to leave.  You stared at the door and you felt carl staring at you.  You look at him and mouth "Quit staring."

He looked away and then looked back at you. Hoping he would kiss you, and he leaned in. But before he could do anything, yall heard the door open and shut and then the closet being opened.  "Get out." you both scrambled out of the closet.

You almost fell but carl grabbed your waist and held you "Thanks.." he nodded and let go. Rick stared at you both "Okay what the fuck was going on in the closet?"

You shrug and carl triped over his words "We-Uh-She-I-...nevermind." Rick stared at his son "Carl seriously?" Carl shrugged.

While carl and rick talked, you heard judith crying and ran up the steps to her room.  Picking her up, you started rocking her and her cries slowed.

Rick saw you running and ran behind you and saw you holding judith, rocking her back n forth calming her down.  "You're great with kids Y/n."

You shrug "I apparently had a younger sibling that i was good with that was taken from me.."(oo drama..?)

Rick stared at you "Oh my god, Y/n im sorry-" You smiled "Ehh, Maggie's ex-Nevermind." Rick looked at you confused and you shook your head.

Rick shrugged "Alrighty then.." You handed Judith to Rick and he took her "Here, Ima go downstairs." rick nodded "I think carl left but I dunno."

You nodded and left Judith's room and started walking down the stairs when you heard the front door open.

You froze in place and then heard Michonne yell "Rick I'm back!" so you continued walking down the steps "Oh hey y/n!" "Hi Michonne" you said smiling at her and she smiled back.

You walked to the house, Maggie, Glenn, and You are staying and walked in. Maggie ran to the door to see who it was "Y/N!" and she ran to you bringing you into a big hug.

"Oh my goodness, I was so worried.." you hugged her back "Sorry." Glenn came from the corner and saw you. Once he saw you, he ran over to you just like maggie did and hugged you both.

"Y/n where have you been?!" "Uhh I was here then Ron came over said he wanted to know me and then he said something that made me uncomfortable so i ran to his place and got carl then ran to ricks and hid in the closet with carl while rick talked with ron."

Both of their eyes went wide and they hugged you tighter "Oh sweetie.." they both said at the same time. By the time yall had gotten here, they both said that they were going to take you in. So that's exactly what they did.

Runaway - A Carl Grimes x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now