4) Getting used to a new life

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Getting closer to your cell, you heard footsteps behind you "Y/n are you okay?" you looked back and saw carl "Fine, dont worry." he nodded and turnt around and walked back but stopped in his tracks "I'll be back to check on you later.." you nodded and went back to your cell.

A couple hours later, you were laying on the top bunk of the bed you hd in your cell. Once you heard the door open you heard "Hey where are you?" "top bunk" you said still staring at the ceiling and carl walked over and sat on the sink "So, what actually happened back there y/n?" you sat up and looked over at him "Too many people, not really good talking with people.." he nodded and you jumped off the top bunk, well slid off the top bunk.

You and carl continued to talk for hours until rick walked in "Come on carl. Goodnight y/n, hope you sleep well" carl got up and told you goodnight and you said the same back.

Getting back on the top bunk you passed out, not even getting under the covers. Instead of carl bringing your food, it was maggie "Hey, i brought you food, carl is helping rick if you were wondering why it wasn't him.." you got off the top bunk and went up to her and hugged her "Thank you.." she nodded and hugged you back.

Glenn walked in "Maggie we need you, y/n come too. We need the extra people." you and maggie let go of each other and followed behind glenn who was running. Once yall made it to the gates, glenn tossed you a crowbar "Smash it into their heads!" you nodded and did what you were told.

You heard the others coming, more people and they helped "Glenn where are rick and carl?!" "Out on a run with Michonne!" after yall cut the zombies down to a minimum, you opened the gate with the help of maggie and glenn allowing rick, michonne, and carl to drive in.

After you and maggie and glenn closed the gates, "Anything else?" glenn shook his head "Unless you wanna help rick and carl garden then no." you started to walk back to the cell block you were in until carl stopped you "Help get stuff out the car for less trips"

With that being said, you turnt around and went to help rick. Rick handed you a couple of boxes and then told you on your way so you left for the place where the food was cooked and such.

You started walking back to the cell block where your cell is, without interruptions so you actually made it to your cell and was allowed to eat what maggie brought this morning.

Rick had walked in, which surprised you "Hey carl wanted to ask if you wanted to help garden." you shook your head "Nope, im good."  rick then left.

You got up and walked out of your cell and walked outside "I change my mind, i need something to do" rick nodded "Go help carl pick the fruits and vegetables"

So thats what you did, you walked over to carl "Hey, come to help finally?" he laughed and you nodded.  Picking the fruits while carl picked the vegetables, you both would put them in a basket that sat in between yall.

"Hey on the next run can i come..?" carl paused for a moment "Why?" "I wanna go back to my house.." he turnt and looked at you "Y/n it's probably full of walkers."   "I know but the window i jumped out of is my room and i really want my-" "stuff animal?" you nodded "Its a comfort thing and its the last thing i got from my parents." carl nodded "I'll ask my dad."

You smiled "Thanks carl." "no problem" he replied and went back to picking the vegetables. You finished picking the fruits and decided to help carl pick the vegetables.

After picking the fruits and vegetables, you and carl both walked into the cell block where most of the food and stuff was stored. Carl walked off to go ask rick about going back to your house.

Soon carl walked back "Get glenn and maggie, and ill get the guns." you nodded and went to find glenn and maggie.   Once you found them you told them the plan they nodded and followed you to meet back up with carl.

Yall walked out to the car and started to drive towards your house.  Once yall made it, Glenn and Maggie insisted to clear it out before you and carl went in.

But you had ask carl to hold his hands out so you could jump up to the window you jumped out of.  So thats what carl and you did.  Once you got in the window, you grabbed your bear and jump out the window and landed beside carl "Tell them i got it." you walked towards the car and carl nodded.

Walking towards glenn and maggie, carl told them you had what you needed and they followed behind him "Y/n!  Why didnt you wait for us?!" maggie yelled "Because it was simple enough to have one of you help me get into the window."

Maggie sighed and got into the driver side and drove away once everyone got in. Once yall made it back, you see some parts of the prison in flames.  Huge flames.  Carl gets out and you run after him "Carl?! We need to be in the car so we coukd escape!" "Judith y/n!  My sister!  I cant leave her" you see someone point a gun at carl about to shoot "CARL MOVE!" Rick yelled and carl turnt around fast and you ran pushing him out of the way with you landing on top of him.

All that could be heard was the screams and the sounds of explosions.  You sat up to get off of carl and saw rick running towards yall.  Carl sat up as well and rubbed the back of his head "Shit.  Did you have to run into me that hard?" you glare at him "It was either that or you get shot.   You tell me which you would've prefered." and with that you got up and ran back to the car to see it empty and glenn and maggie running towards the cell block where beth and them were staying "MAGGIE GLENN IT ISNT SAFE" you yelled as you ran after them.

Maggie turnt around "Make it to the car, we'll try to find judith.."  "Maggie no!  Im coming with." "Y/n go back to the car.  Now.   You arent safe coming with us" "THEN YOU ARENT SAFE GOING!?" "we'll be fine" glenn spoke.

You sighed and nodded, running back to the car but stopping when you heard a baby cry. "Judith.." you ran over to where the cry was and saw someone pointing a gun at her so you pulled yours out and pointed it at the person "Dont you fucking do it." the person turnt around to you, now pointing their gun at you "Or else what?" you put your finger on the trigger "You die. Now hand me the kid and you get to live"

The person shot beside you and you shot them in the chest and ran over to judith, picking her up you ran back to the car to meet up with rick and carl "I have her?!" you see that they're gone.  "fuck.." 

You ran to the woods to get away from everything and took the gun the dude had. Judith started crying so you tried to calm her down which you succeeded and started to walk and find stuff.  You found a bookbag off of a twig.  Finding food for you and making it to a baby store you found formula and took it. 

After days of being in the woods, you found a sign that said "Terminus, all are welcomed" so you started to follow that path.

  To be continued..

Runaway - A Carl Grimes x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now