16) Fight

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First person btw

I was sat beside Jacob who happened to be in the middle of me and Carl.  Carl and Jacob were laughing a whole lot, Michonne and Rick were chatting away so it was just me left in my thoughts.

As we pulled up where we were going to explore, Carl looked over at his dad "Hey I gotta use the bathroom, I'll be back." Jacob went to speak but I spoke up.

"I'll come as well." And with that Carl got out and so did I and I ran up to him grabbing his hand and we walked into the forest, once I knew we were out of earshot I spoke.

"You hardly pay attention to me since Jacob came." "Y/n, please I just need to piss." "I don't care, piss while we talk." Carl sighed and unzipped his pants to use the bathroom.

I had my back turnt to him and I continued to talk "He gives me weird vibes Carl." "He's new, everyone new to you does." "Not like this!" I raised my voice and turnt around.

"Hes going to do something bad Carl! Why cant you get that!" "Y/n! You're overreacting! Why cant you be happy that I have a friend after you killed my last one!"

I stared at him "I didn't fucking kill Ron! The zombies got him after he shot your goddamn eye out!" Carl groaned "He would still be alive if it wasn't for your overthinking ass self!"

My expression went blank and Carl realized what he said "Wait babe-" I spunt around and ran where the car was to see everyone still in the car.  I slid in as Rick and Jacob left to see where Carl was.

Michonne stayed in the car with me "Hey pumpkin, you okay?" "Take me to hilltop" my voice shaky.  She nodded and went on the walkie-talkie to rick and he replied saying okay.

Michonne took me to hilltop and the gates were soon opened, she drove in and as soon as she parked, I thanked her and opened the door slamming it behind me and ran to the trailer where Maggie and Sasha were at.

My eyes brimmed with tears as I ran in, Sasha saw me and ran to me "Hey hey! Its okay!" I hugged her and sobbed into her chest and she sat on the floor bringing me down with her. "Wanna tell me what happened..?"

I shook my head and she nodded even though I couldn't see her "Okay, want your mom?" I nod "Okay, go sit on the couch, lemme find her." I nod as she stood up and left.

I walked over to the couch and not even a few seconds of me sitting down Maggie was right by my side holding me and comforting me. She nodded Sasha off and told her to stay guard at the door.

"Hey pumpkin, what happened?" "Carl and I got into a fight, and he brought up Ron saying I killed him and I told him I didn't and then he said that he would still be alive if it wasn't for my overthinking ass self and-and-" I buried my face into her neck and sobbed harder.

"Shhh...." Maggie spoke rubbing my back. "Yall are still new to this relationship, 'all will have fights.." I pulled my face out of her neck and looked her in her eyes.

"Did you and dad fight..?" She chuckled "Of course we did pumpkin.  Not every relationship is perfect." She spoke putting her hands on my cheek and rubbing the tears off. "Now how about you help me with the garden?"

I nod and follow her out, my face still red from all the crying.  Sasha saw and gave me a soft smile. I smiled back but instead of us making our way to the garden we made our way to some place new.

It looked like it was a grave site for everyone they've lost.  I saw what Glenn got from Hershel and saw Maggie sit down on the grave. "Come sit with me pumpkin." "But-" "we can do that later, I want you to see this." I sit down beside Maggie and she hands me the pocket clock that was Hershel's and then passed down to Glenn.

"Now its passed down to you, pumpkin." I smiled and stood up, brushing my pants off "Come on mom, lets tend to the garden."  She laughed and followed behind me "Of course."

Runaway - A Carl Grimes x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now