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Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE and her mother Lisa Benton were sitting in their car outside the McCall residence

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SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE and her mother Lisa Benton were sitting in their car outside the McCall residence. They were currently trying to gain the courage that'll allow them to actually go inside

They had already been to their new house and put all there designated boxes in their rooms but didn't pack anything as they're wanted to go over to Mellissa's place

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" the younger girl asked her mother
"We're back home. It's predictable. He'll find us" Lisa shook her head in reply. She had thought this through thoroughly, and this was the best choice for them

They were back in beacon hills, where they used to live just over a year prior in a house down the street. They sold it since they left so they couldn't go back there as it wasn't vacant and got a new one not far from there

"He won't expect us to be back. He'll think we went somewhere else. Come on"

"Wait" her mom stoped herself from moving
"Does aunt Mellisa know why we left?" She got a nod in reply

"She knows, she also got me a temporary job at the hospital" Junes heart felt like it got crushed in her chest at the word 'temporary'. She just wanted to have a place and not have to keep moving all the time

"Does Scott?"

"No" Lisa opened the car door and started walking to knock on the household door. June unbuckled her seatbelt and followed after her

The door opened a few seconds after and Melissa's face lit up once she recognised the women standing in front of her

"Oh my gosh you're here already!" She shouted and embraced her sister immediately. Lisa laughed hugging her back before they both pulled away

"June you're so pretty" she gushed before hugging the other girl
"Come in. Come in" she ushered them both inside and led the way to her dining table
"Scott's out. But he should be here in about ten minutes. He missed you so much June" June smiled slightly. She had missed her cousin a lot, though with their 2 year age gap it would seem like they wouldn't be that close, they in fact were, she was even close with his best friend stiles

Tired of running - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now