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Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

THEY PULLED APART QUICKLY AT THE SOUND OF A PHONE RINGING and June picked it up seeing Derek's name on the screen

"Derek? What's wrong?"

"There's something going on at the school. CDC is there and there's a disease killing supernaturals in the school. Scott's there for his PSAT's and you need to go there and tell them something" she looked up to Liam knowing he was listening into the conversation with his werewolf hearing

"O-okay. What is it?

"The hale vault under the school. There's a jar in there full of purple reshi mushrooms that can heal them. You need to tell them" the line went dead and she looked to liam

"We need to get to the school"

"The schools 20 minutes away walking. We won't have enough time" she glanced around, her eyes moving out of the window to her moms car


"JUNE YOU'RE GOING TOO FAST!" Liam shouted as he grabbed his seat tightly. June was swerving in and out of cars on her way to the school

"I haven't! But I see my mom drive all the time!" She shouted back and Liam looked to her shocked

"You what!"

"Funny story i know" she mumbled as she pressed harder on the pedal. Liam went backwards, his back hitting the seat as he screamed


They pulled up to the scene and she jumped up, with Liam on her tail and went up to her unle

"Rafe" he said and he turned to her. He hadn't spoken to her since that night


"You need to listen" Rafe has known that there's been strange stuff happening in beacon hills


"You need to go in there. I can't , because I'm a child, obviously, but you need to find Scott, stiles, Malia or Kira and tell them that they need to go in the hale vault which is the antidote. Reishi mushrooms. It's in a jar on one of the shelves" he nodded and ran around, putting his suit on and he nodded at her before he left to run into the building


They all waited anxiously outside until the doors of the school opened. The students were all getting better.

Liam took Junes hand and lead her inside, passing people as they exited to leave

"Scott" she sighed in relief as she walked out. She rushed over, letting go of liams hand and ran into his arms bringing him in a hug

"You're okay" she sighed in relief which made him laugh

"We're good" he smiled. She moved over and hugged stiles noticing the blood on him, mostly scattered around his face and clothes

Tired of running - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now