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Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"NO" LUNA GROANED as she felt herself being shaken awake

"Luna get up"

"Nooo" Scott turned her over so she was looking up at him as she frowned noticing he was fully dressed and ready for school

"We came here less than an hour early because we knew you was going to do this. You have to go school"

"No. I don't want to go" she winced as she try to see Scott through the light since stiles had opened her curtains

"Why not?" June just groaned and try to roll back over but Scott made sure she couldn't with his wolf strength
"Why not?" She sighed and closed her eyes

"I was homeschooled because I was bullied okay. I never had any friends. People don't like me" Scott's grip on her loosened at her words and she used that as an opportunity to go back under the covers

Stiles looked over to Scott with wide eyes. Why would anyone want to bully June? She was the nicest person they've ever met

"June, you have us. We'll be there"

"Please don't make me go" they heard her muffled voice from under the covers. Scott gripped the top part and pulled it down showing her face

Her hair was all messed up around her face now, sticking up in all different directions

"We won't let anyone do anything. You'll make friends" she thought about protesting but she didn't want to be a bother so instead she nodded

"Okay" she whispered. Scott smiled slightly at her and got off the bed and she followed in suit

Stiles: "We'll be downstairs, your mom cooked for us. And it smells amazing" she rolled her eyes smiling slightly as they left and she went over to her wardrobe


She stood in front of the school with Scott and stiles on either side of her sort of as a way of protecting her

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She stood in front of the school with Scott and stiles on either side of her sort of as a way of protecting her

"No way" she mumbled at everyone before turning around, she went to walk in the other direction but Scott and stiles grabbed her and turned her back to face the building 

Tired of running - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now