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"It was our first kiss since our actual first kiss" Scott said rapidly. If june didn't know any better she would think that he was annoyed about this action

June: "Isn't that good? You like her right?"

"I do. But I technically didn't kiss her" stiles glanced down at the girl who mirrored his confused face

Stiles: "was it on the lips?"


Stiles: "was there tongue?"

"No. I.. it was like how you kiss your grandmother when you're 5"

"Oh, chaste. You have her a chaste kiss" Scott sighed and turned to his two friends

"Yeah, and now it's all weird. It's all completely weird and.. I dont know what to do. Maybe I should text her"

"No. Just No with the texts"

"I agree with stiles. I read a lot of books. Girls prefer talk in person. They're more heartfelt" the coaches whistle took them out of their conversation and they all turned to the man

"As a reminder, it's an open tryout today. All positions available. This is rebuilding season, people. Jackson's gone. Lahey's gone. Greenberg, the one guy I actually wanted gone, was held back. Again. Get your asses on the field" june wanted to know what the deal was on why coach hated Greenberg so much

"What's so wrong with Greenberg?" June asked as stiles started putting on some gloves. He raised his eyebrow at her and shook his head like she should know this


"Are you gonna tell me.. and you're not listening"

"I am listening my dear July. Yes, I called you July on purpose. Get it, June..? Anyways. Greenberg, we just hate him. Join the club" she sighed at his stupid explanation and Scott rushed over to coach as he held his lacrosse gear

"Hey, coach. I just wanted to ask if I was still.. you know"

"You're on the team McCall"

"But am I.. everything that I was on the team before?" Coach patted Scott's arm

"All positions are open" he whispered before he patted Scott's arm and walked off. Scott casted his eyes to the floor and walked out and June turned to stiles with a sad look

"He'll be okay" he assured her and she gave him a tight lipped smile before he hugged her and she went out

She walked outside and up to the bleachers where there was already quite a few students sitting on the benches. June nervously looked for somewhere less crowded and sat down, opening her book as an attempt to get her mind off those behind her which made her feel like she was being watched. They weren't as they were all doing their own thing by watching the tryouts but her anxiety got the better of her and she couldn't help thinking it

Tired of running - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now