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THE NEXT DAY JUNE didn't even want to go to school

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THE NEXT DAY JUNE didn't even want to go to school. She was so embarrassed and worried about what had happened last night that she didn't even want to face the possibilities of seeing Liam in school

But both Scott and stiles made her go once again so she has no choice

"I'm not sharing my basement" malia protested. They had all just been told that Liams bite had healed which means he was turning into a werewolf

Lydia: "Actually, it's my basement and my mom noticed how you tore it up last time"

"Alright, she's still learning" stiles defended

Scott: "But we're gonna use the boathouse for Liam. It's got support beams. We can chain him to one of them"

Kira: "but how do we get him out of the lake house if he doesn't trust us?"

"I say if it keeps him from murdering someone, we just chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake"

"I'm in"

"We're not killing or kidnapping Liam" june spoke up

"She doesn't count. She's a biased vote since she likes him" June sighed and elbowed stiles in his stomach and he groaned doubling over

"I do not"

Lydia: "Let's be smarter. We tell him there's a party and invite him"

"So, you're going to ask out a freshman?"

"No, I'm done with teenage boys. But... if we're talking about Liam, we all know a certain girl that could get his heart beating a little harder" they all turned to June who shrunk back at all their gazes

"No way. I haven't spoken to him since he got kidnapped and he probably hates me. Besides, I can't ask him to a dance that's embarrassing" Scott nodded. He definitely didn't want his cousin going anywhere with Liam, even though there's no actual party. He knew she liked him and vice versa, but he was to protective of her

"Agreed. She's not asking out Liam"

"Scott. Shush. Come on June we need you to do this"

"But- I can't.. I get too nervous"

"What if you don't invite him. And he kills someone, for the rest of his life he'll probably feel so bad-" June sighed

"Okay. I'll do it" she muttered


June walked through the crowded halls. She had just gotten out of her mathematics lesson and was on her way to find Liam. She was also failing to locate him as she could barely see through the crowded hallways

She gasped, feeling something nudge her from behind and she went forward, bracing herself to fall when she felt someone grab her arms keeping her upright

Tired of running - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now