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Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

AFTER HER SECOND TO LAST LESSON OF THE DAY JUNE LEFT HER CLASSROOM AND WALKED QUICKLY through the hallways until she found Scott and stiles. She stopped in front of them and caught her breath for a second

"What's wrong?" Scott asked her as he felt the confusion chemo signals emitting from her

"I sat down at lunch, and an apple hit Liam on the head" then boys nodded along confused which made her huff
"There wasn't a tree before! When I sat down there was nothing near me but a small bush. The tree was 15 feet tall!" Their eyes both widened and they turned to each other with panicked expressions

"We need to find the security tapes, maybe we could see what happened"


June sighed and walked up to the reception of the school

"Hi" she said quietly. The woman at the desk looked to her
"I-I was wondering.. if you could call my uncles number for me? He said he was going to pick me up from school since I felt Ill but he isn't here yet" the woman nodded and stood up

"Just come with me, there's a phone out back" she nodded and walked with the woman where she then led her into another room. She stood at the phone and dialled a random number before bringing it to her ears. The number wasn't recognised but she didn't care and started a random conversation with no one pretending it was her uncle

At the reception Scott and stiles snuck in when June left the woman away and stiles got up the surveillance before connecting it to his phone, once it was done they both snuck back out and June came back through minutes later

"Thank you miss for your help"

"It's no problem dear" she smiled slightly and walked away where she then met the boys at the end of the corridor. At the sight of her stiles got out his phone

"Get it?" she questioned and they nodded. Stiles pressed play on the cameras and it was fine as she sat there. They watched as Liam came down in front of June and they both started talking.

"Look" stiles pointed to the tree, they watched as it started to grow but only in small amounts and then Liam held Junes hand. June looked up at Scott's clenched jaw at the action but they all looked back to the tree seeing it now grow faster at a rapid tree

The small tree grew in the space of 2 minutes and then an apple fell on Liam's head separating the 2 freshman

"It just grew. In the space of a few minutes" Scott mumbled. Stiles nodded stunned at the video
"When we see Derek, we need to show him this"

 Stiles nodded stunned at the video "When we see Derek, we need to show him this"

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Tired of running - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now