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Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


They both broke into laughter as they walked into liams room talking about the scene that happened whilst they was at the ice cream shop

"You wanna play fifa?" Liam asked as he looked over to his tv. She moved in front of his and wrapped her arms around his neck, her head leaning on his shoulder

"maybe we could do something else?" She questioned shyly, her breath fanning his neck. Liam looked down at her, his eyes wide and full of lust

"What do you have in mind?" she leaned her head a bit forward so her lips were against his neck and she placed small kisses there, so light it made liam want more

He let of a breathy moan and brought his hands up to her face and moved her so she was looking at him before he smashed his lips onto hers

His hands moved up to her waist and he lifted her up so her legs were wrapped around her torso

She giggled into the kiss as she felt herself being lifted but was cut off when she felt her back meets with the softness of liams bed

Her eyes fluttered open as she looked down at him, only to grow flustered under his living gaze

"We can stop" liam whispered as he brought his lips to her neck, her mouth parting in a small moan as she tilted her head giving him more access but he heard it loud and clear with his wolf hearing

"I don't want to stop"


"Why didn't you tell me?" Liam asked June as she laid, her bare body cuddled beside him. She let off a small sigh

"A part of me wished he wouldn't ever find us again" she muttered
"And another part of me just didn't want you to worry. Besides we had all the deadpool and berserker drama. Mine was minor in comparison" liam scrunched his eyebrows up and turned to his girlfriend

"Minor? You think you being hunted is minor? June you could've died. And I never would've known what was going on in the first place"

"I'm sorry" she whispered
"I'm sorry"

"Don't be, i know now. And we'll all be here for you when your dad comes" she bit her tongue not wanting to say what she was thinking and instead relished in the feeling of being against liam

She knew her dad would find her and that she'd most likely die because of it and for that reason she didn't want anyone else involved. Because then he would try and kill them too

2 weeks later

"I can walk you home" liam offered and June shook her head. It was late and he had training early in the morning. She didn't want him to have to stay up any later for her

Tired of running - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now