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Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

ONCE KIRA AND JUNE HAD GOT TO THE ROOF THEY WENT FURTHER UP BUT THEN ONE OF the service boxes caught on fire. They both turned their heads at the light and looked to see it fried

"It looks like someone did something to it" kira said stating the obvious and then they went quiet as they heard growling

They turned to see a giant beast like creature with bones on and around it and realised it was a berserker that Scott described. Kira quickly took out her sword

"I think something did" she swung it around before holding it in a ready stance and once it got close June felt her eyes hurt. She didn't know what had happened, or why they were but the next thing she knew she was running at the berserker

It went to punch her but she moved under it and kicked it's back making it tumble forward. It quickly turned back to her and before she could do anything it grabbed her neck and threw her into a gate

She quickly got up seeing kira start to fight it but the berserker punched her and she dropped to the floor

June jumped back up and ran at it. She kicked it's chest before punching it and despite the fact it hurt her hand, the berserker dropped to the floor for a second.

It quickly got up though and ran at her but she held her hands out sprouting thick roots that wrapped itself around its arms. It groaned and thrashed before it got out and kira and June worked together

Kira would use her sword and June would fight it and it seemed to be working, they were both making good hits and the berserker seemed to be losing but when kira hit wrong the berserker grabbed her sword and threw it to the side leaving her defenceless

She tried to fight without it but it wasn't the same giving June a disadvantage too

The berserker elbowed Kira who went flying to the floor. June kicked it back as she turned to Kira but as she looked to check if her friend was okay the berserker jumped in front of her.

She didn't have a chance to react before it punched upwards, hitting her ribs

She gasped and dropped to the floor feeling tears prickle her eyes so she just decided on closing them

"June" Kira said above her. June opened her eyes at the sound of her voice

"Kate called the berserker back. we need to go downstairs" june nodded and bit back a scream as Kira helped her make her way downstairs and once they got to Scott's room june held herself up on a table whilst Kira helped fix Scott

Stiles had said liam had gone to check the berserkers were actually leaving so he wasn't in there

Scott awoke with a scream and Kira sighed in relief before placing her hands on his face and kissed him

Tired of running - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now