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Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


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SCOTT HAD HELPED AND SENT EVERYONE THAT WAS ON THE DEADPOOL AND PUT THEM IN ARGENTS BUILDING. They were fending off an attack whilst Lydia, Peter and the sheriff were trying to get information from Meredith

But there was 2 others who were on the deadpool but weren't with the others. June and Liam. They were both hanging out somewhere secluded in the woods. They figured it was best to be away from everyone else so that any assassins or anything wouldn't be able to find them

"Is it safe to be so high in the tree?" Liam asked as he looked up from the ground to June who was sitting on a high branch. She shrugged and smiled, a small laugh emitting from her from how worried liam is

"Okay, I'll get down" she focused her powers on getting herself down and slowly the branch she was on started lowering till it was just centimetres of the floor. She stepped on and smiled as the branch went back to normal

"That was cool" she moved her fingers and guided one of the sticks to fall, hitting him right on the head

She laughed as he moved his hand up to his head and rubbed it

"That wasn't" his face lit up at the sight of June being carefree and now dwelling on everything that was happening around them

"I'm getting a hang of it"

"I can see that" liam froze, his movements alarming June as he looked around cautiously

"Liam, what's wrong?"

"There's people here" he grabbed her hand ready to rush off but the sounds of bushes rustling caught both of their attentions this time

Coming out from there was around 5 people in what seemed to be bulletproof suits

They advanced, their arms raising as they pointed guns at them. Liam moved June behind him protectively whilst she lowered the branches and made them take the guns out of their hold

The guys all looked around shocked once they were disarmed and then they ran forward. June dodged a punch the first guy sent at her but the one from the second time she couldn't and got sent back. She raised her arms wrapping vines around one of their legs and kicked him so he dropped down to the floor

Tired of running - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now