20 | final chapter

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Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

THE NEXT TIME JUNE WOKE UP SHE WAS GREETED WITH A HEAVY FEELING ON HER HAND. SHE looked down at the bed and saw liam there, his hand grasped around hers and his eyes closed. She knew he was awake though as she was nervously tapping the bed with his other hand

"Liam?" She whispered and his eyes snapped open to hers

"Oh my gosh, June" he muttered. He got up and brought her into a hug but once they pulled away she noticed something

"Don't cry" she muttered wiping his tears away. He just laughed slightly in reply

"I thought you wasn't going to make it, with your blood everywhere" he shook his head and she sighed

"I'm sorry for worrying you"

"Don't be" he immediately stated and the next second Scott was running into the doorway

June immediately let go of liam. He knew about their relationship but she knew it wasn't nessasary for them to do pda in front of him

"I'm so sorry" Scott stated as he walked over to her

"No, Scott. Don't be" he moved closer and brought her into a hug, being careful of her shoulder

"I told you i would protect you"

"You can't get mad at yourself for things that aren't your fault" she whispered and he nodded  hugging her tighter

"I'm gonna go get mom. So she can do a check up on you" Scott pulled away and walked to the door and June put her hand in liams

"Thank you for being here" she whispered and he nodded connecting his lips against hers

Tired of running - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now