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Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


"I'm sorry about everything"she mumbled though she knew he couldn't hear her
"I'm sorry about your broken leg, then you getting bitten, then lying to you about the party. I'm sorry for everything" she crossed her legs as she sat down
"I like you, I really do. But I just get so nervous around you... I can't help it" she cursed herself for talking to an unconscious boy and laid down on her back just keeping him company

And it was about ten minutes later when she heard a growl come from him. She looked up and got up and that's when he undid the chains he was holding. June gasped, backing up but liam had already made his way towards her. She walked backwards as he slowly advanced towards her and at the corner of her eye she saw something moving. She looked over and saw Scott running up to the boathouse, she quickly turned to liam as he growled and he jumped about to pounce on her but instinctively she held her arms out. It happened so quick. A vine came in through the window, smashing it and wrapped itself around liams arm holding him away from her. She gasped and turned to Scott who had just got there and he looked from the vine and to June

"What- did I just do that?" Scott nodded mutely and Liam tugged on the vine. She moved away from him and went over to Scott and as she did that Liam broke through them

He ran in their direction and Scott moved her out of the way, just in time for Liam to run through the window the vine had broken. He didn't stop and carried on running through the forest not looking back

"How did you do that?" Kira asked and June shrugged looking down at her hands

"I dont know" she muttered. Scott placed a comforting hand on her shoulder

Scott: "I need to go after him"

"I'll drive you home" Kira offered. June shook at the girl

"I'm gonna walk"

"No June-"

"Scott, let me walk. I-I need to think" he sighed running his hands against his forehead. He didn't want her to walk home especially at this time of night
"I'm gonna walk" she muttered before turning around. She didn't know what had just happened and she couldn't think of a logical explanation either. A vine had just come out of the ground at her will. It was unbelievable and shouldn't have happened, so why did it?



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Tired of running - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now