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Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

WHEN THEY FINALLY PULLED UP TO WHERE SCOTT AND KIRA WERE BEING HELD THEY IMMEDIATELY GOT OUT, only for Derek to be grabbed by a berserker. He got thrown out of the van and pushed onto a rock where the berserker continously hit him

Breaden ran around the back and grabbed a gun before she started shooting it and June used the wind to get it off Derek. The berserker continued to walk out and then they rushed over to Derek, including Peter and Malia seeing Derek on the floor hurt

They crowded around him as blood covered his hand and the inside of his mouth

"How bad is it?" June questioned. She had become somewhat close to Derek form all the times he had trained her to use her powers and it hurt her to see him hurt

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Just get to Scott" he panted. No one moved

"Just find him. We'll be right behind you.
Go. Go!" Peter went first followed by Malia, liam and stiles but june couldn't will herself to move

"Hey" Derek said looking up to June
"As your Sensei I taught you well. Save him" june nodded, a small smile slipping from her lips at his joke and reluctantly jogged after the others through the building

It seemed Peter knew where to go as he lead them through the halls off the place

"Okay, everyone stop, stop, stop, stop. We gotta figure out where we are, then we gotta figure out how to find Scott and kira" stiles' phone started to ring and he moved away to answer the call from his dad and they waited a moment for him to get off the call

"What do we do now?" Liam questioned once stiles got back

"Duck" at Malias words they all got down on the floor just to miss a hit from a berserker before they continued to run but Peter got lost not far behind

"Go go go!" They stopped once they lost the berserker and malia handed kiras sword to stiles

"Go find kira and Scott. Go!" Stiles ran off with the sword leaving malia, june and Liam with a berserker

Peter walked forward first and punched the berserker only to be thrown to the floor. Liam went next but also got thrown back

One by one they each tried hitting, punching and kicking the thing but it was harder than it looked

June raised her hands, using the wind to keep the berserker in place and malia and June went up and put their punches on it until the strength got too hard and she had to let it go

Malia and june grabbed each arm of the berserker and pulled it down into a table and just as malia went to stab it, stiles ran in and stopped her

"It's Scott. It's scott" june looked up at it, noticing the familiarity of its eyes and at the moment of weekness he pushed both liam and her to the ground

Scott went forward and punched malia in the head, then Peter

He walked forward, closer to june who backed away from him on the floor

"Scott? Scott don't" kira called out. Stiles tried to do the same thing but also got sent to the floor

Scott walked over and picked june up by her collar and pushed her against the wall

"Scott" she whimpered. He raised his hand up about to punch her 
"Scott! Scott! Scott! Listen! You're not a monster! You're a werewolf! Like Liam, like Derek. And your not a bad guy. You were there for me? Remember? When Rafe said my dad was coming. You said you'd protect me. Because you're a good guy. not a monster" he slowly lowered his hand that he was going to punch her with and released june to the floor

He staggered back, he movements looking painful until he started taking off the berserker bones.

Scott raised his hands to his head, and took off the skull, it shining a bright yellow as it broke under his strength

He let out a growl from his pain and panted as he looked at Peter

"You. The only one who knew as much as argent about the berserkers. About the Nagual. You taught Kate. You helped her. All for power"

"For my families power" Peter spat. Malia moved away from him
"To be rightfully inherited by me. Not usurped by some idiot teenage boy, so incorruptible he wouldn't shed the blood of his enemies even when justified. You don't deserve your power. Not power like this" Peter shifted and roared at Scott but malia stepped forward onto to be shoved away

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetheart. We'll talk about this later" Scott went up to Peter who seemed ready for a fight

"you are my beta first. it was my bite that changed your life. And my bite can end it"

"Then end it Peter. Because you won't get another chance" they both ran at eachother meeting halfway

Scott seemed to be losing at first, his movements unmatched for Peter who wanted a powerful fight but Scott seemed to be losing, but when peter seemed to almost make a move on June, Scott seemed to tap into some extra power. His punches were harder, movements faster and more strategically done until peter lost

"You were never an alpha peter. But you were always a monster" Scott jumped up from the desk and punched Peter one more time who then fell unconscious



"Then stiles said Scott and kira were stuck in Mexico which is why they missed the game. Uh, so we went down to Mexico to drive them back from Mexico and that's why we all missed practice. Cause... we were all in Mexico" June didn't really know why she was there with Scott and stiles whilst Liam was explaining to coach. But she went along with it anyways

"Yeah. You took kira on a date to Mexico?" Coach asked Scott

"It was our first real date"

"In Mexico?"

"They wanted to do something special" stiles explained, winking at Scott

"Okay. I believe you"


"Absolutely not. But I've had experiences south of the border that would knock the genitals off you boys" june laughed softly at the faces they made
"Still, let me be clear to you two. This kids the best talent I've seen in years. So he's your responsibility now. You boys are gonna stick together. You're gonna look out for each other. You got it?"

"We got it" coach walked out and Liam put his hand in June who smiled up at him

"Hey. Hey. Enough of that" stiles said motioning to their linked hands. June blushed a bright red as she looked away only to pull her phone out of her pocket when it rang

'Guess who's back?'

June felt her heart freeze in her chest, yet on the outside Scott could hear it picking up. He looked down at her confused then to her phone

"Show me" he stated. She cautiously handed him the phone, his eyes going into a glare as he looked down at the message

"What is it?" Liam questioned confused

Tired of running - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now