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chapter 3

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chapter 3

IT WAS JUNE'S THIRD day of school and she was in the library studying during her lunch time when she was interrupted

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IT WAS JUNE'S THIRD day of school and she was in the library studying during her lunch time when she was interrupted

"Hey" she glanced up from her textbook to see the familiar blue eyed boy. She had spoken to him a few times since her first day since they had sat beside each other in quite a few classes

"Oh, hey Liam" she said the loudest she could though her voice still came out quiet to him

"Hey" he pointed to the chair in front of her
"Is this seat taken?" she shook her head and he smiled pulling the chair out. He placed his bag on the floor and took out a textbook of his own

"I gotta study for chemistry" he grumbled as he opened the pages of his book
"If you can't tell. I'm horrible at it" June laughed slightly
"But I need to get my grades up, otherwise I wouldn't be able to play lacrosse" June's mind went to when she would help Scott with lacrosse and she knew from the phone calls she's had with him that he was on the team or, still is

"You play?" Luna questioned and he nodded
"Are you on the beacon hills team?"

"Not yet, I'm new remember? tryouts are tomorrow" she wrote down the answer to her next question
"Will I see you there?" She brought the end of her pen to her lip and bit it slightly, thinking for a moment

"My cousin and his friend are trying out and he's my ride. So I'll be there"

"I better not mess up then, don't want to embarrass myself" she couldn't help the giggle that left her lips at his words yet couldn't help but wonder why it would matter to him what she thinks

"I'm sure you'll do great" he nodded and glanced back down at his chemistry textbook, doubt settling inside of him. Liam knew that he was going to get kicked off even if he didn't make it, he just found chemistry so hard and confusing

"Let's just hope my grade doesn't get me down" June had an idea but she didn't know whether he would want her help or not

"I can.." he looked up to her waiting for her to continue speaking seen as she had just stopped
"I can.. tutor you if you want. I get a pretty decent grade in chemistry- Obviously I don't have to tutor you, you can find someone else- or not-" he cut her rambling off though he did smile through it finding it cute.

Tired of running - Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now