Chapter 2: Roman Gets an Owie

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CW: broken bone, descriptive pain

The sound of sizzling filled the kitchen as Thomas pushed around some eggs in a pan. Roman, Remus, and their father, Nico had only moved in recently. Somehow, their father managed to get serious with the town's mayor... Thomas Sanders...

Roman was delighted! He felt like a town prince, especially with how kind Thomas took them in! Remus on the other hand... Well, their father dating has always felt weird, but moving in? It was a new experience for sure, and a change Remus wasn't welcoming, even if it's with the town mayor.

It's been only a few days, and Roman was starting to get comfortable. He was trying to write at the table while Thomas made dinner, Nico standing in the kitchen as they talked lightly. Although it was quite adorable, Roman focused on his writing.

He had already gotten dressed, wanting to look for a job today. Remus had one, and although it was at a bakery, Roman refused to get shown up by him! His dark hair was combed to the side showing his green eyes and freckled face, but that was nothing unusual. He wore a red vest over a white shirt, black pants buckled up.

He was so focused on his work that he almost missed Thomas asking, "Where's Remus?"

Nico looked around for a moment. "I don't know. Roman, can you go find your brother?"

"Alright," Roman agreed, setting his pencil down. He pushed his chair back and stood up from the table, making his way to the staircase. "Ow, mother-" he almost cursed, cutting himself off as he grabbed the rail of the staircase, bringing his foot up to nurse his stubbed toe.

He growled at himself before continuing the way upstairs. Honestly he wasn't in the best mood. Thanks to Remus being... Remus, he woke up way too early, disturbing his beauty rest. He couldn't get his make up right, and he was only going for natural tones today! And he has writers block for the stupid play he was writing! Well... it's not like he was serious about it being an actual production, but still!

Whatever Remus was doing, he was not in the mood.

He opened the door to his brother's room, only to find that it was empty. Fearing the worst, that being Remus was up to some insane shenanigans, he went down the hall to Thomas's room. Opening that door, he saw that his suspicions were correct. Remus was trying to prank their father's boyfriend.

His brother was also dressed already, which wasn't a surprise. A green shirt half tucked into torn up jeans, different fabrics sewn into some of the holes. Remus had the same tan skin as Roman, and freckles too, but his hair is always a rat's nest and his eyes are a light brown.

"I cannot believe you!" Roman huffed, crossing his arms as he walked over.

Remus glanced over at him as he finished tying a knot. The rope was connected to a broomstick with a small hammer tied to it, between the broom and Remus was a board that was laying on a ball, leaning on one side. It looked like the beginning of a complex trap.

"Really that's your own fault," Remus replied. "You've lived with me for eighteen years now."

Roman growled as he pulled out a small pocket knife, walking over and grabbing the rope. He pulled it taunt before cutting it in half.

"Hey! That was good rope!" Remus shouted.

"You're not pranking the mayor!"

His brother didn't listen. "Do you know what I could have done with that rope? It could have been used in bed!"

"First off, ew, second off, you're single!"

"Don't underestimate me, brother. It doesn't always take two to tango!"

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