Chapter 5: The Worst Trope in the World

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CW: mention of broken nose and blood

Normally Remus preferred to smell like shit coming home, but ever since he got a job at a bakery he comes home smelling like cookies and cake. Why would someone like him get a job at a bakery? Because he can make edible art! Also to maybe have some extra cash but any job gave him that.

The bakery owner, Miss Delores loves his idea! His eyeball cake pops sold like hot cakes during autumn! Oh, and she lets him make stuff with extra batter and icing so he gets to eat stuff on the way home.

He won't ever admit it, but he really likes Delores. He wouldn't call her his mother since he only has one, that he hasn't seen in quite a few years. She was more like a young grandmother. She makes sure he gets home on time and always sends him back with a snack. It made working in such a sweet shop worth it.

This time he has a strudel, baked earlier in the day. Already the filling was smeared at the corner of his mouth, barely touching the thin mustache he was growing out. He was smiling as he splashed in puddles, an umbrella on his shoulder that Delores gave him.

It was a slow day so she let him head home early. He debated just hanging out with her, but ended up leaving. So he's heading home to grab some stuff before he goes dumpster diving, something he usually does while sneaking out at night.

Roman messed up his prank, but today could still be a good day!

Was Remus's thought process until he saw him. He usually likes to annoy those that he's close to or hates, but this guy he hates so much it's not worth it. It wasn't that he purposefully out-annoyed him, but he really does annoy Remus. Also broke his nose once, a guy can hold a grudge.

The man in question is named Janus Douglas, but everyone calls him Deceit because he was an obvious liar as a kid and less of an obvious liar now. When they were both kids, Remus and Deceit got into a fight because Deceit said all magical creatures should be hunted and Remus disagreed so he scratched his face. Now the annoying liar has a scar of three deep scratches on his face, and Remus has a hooked nose.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas moved away three years ago, both monster hunters. They raised their son with their ideals and then moved away when he turned sixteen, even though he wants to be a monster hunter too.

Deceit is currently a black smiths apprentice so he can make his own weapons and traps. Also happens to have quite a bit of muscle on him because of the labor that comes from working as a blacksmith, so it's a good thing that there aren't any magical creatures nearby.

He'd probably be hot if it weren't for the cowboy hat with a giant yellow feather and the poncho on his shoulders. All he needed were the cowboy boots to match, but instead he has thigh high brown leather boots for some reason. And Roman calls Remus's "Frankenstein" jacket a fashion disaster.

The wannabe hunter glanced at him. "Flores," he growled.

Remus gave him a hate filled smile. "Double D. Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

Deceit raised a hand to show it was wrapped around in bandages. "I was told to take the week off. Aren't you supposed to be making cupcakes and fondue butterflies?"

"Slow day, heading home. Might make some monsters out of trash for you to hunt."

"Maybe I should just hunt you instead."

"Kinky! It's a date! See ya, dick head!"

Deceit rolled his eyes with a huff, walking in the opposite direction of Remus.

The greener of the two finished his strudel and stuffed his hands into his pockets. Today was just full of small annoyances... At least it can't get any worse. He had an okay time at the bakery after all.

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