Chapter 13: Remus Doesn't Destroy Anything This Time!

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CW: hunting trophy

It was midday, they should be here by now. If it weren't for the crutches, Roman would be pacing around, but they made it awkward to do so instead he was tapping his fingers against his thumb in a pattern as he sat at a table in the library.

He figured he would pass the time with reading. He grabbed three random books that caught his attention, not really planning on reading all of them. It's been hours, thankfully the first book he started reading was interesting. But his attention was waning like a full moon turning to a crescent.

His uninjured leg was tapping before he sighed and stood up, wondering if his dad was coming or if he didn't believe Remus. Maybe Roman should have written a note for his brother to give to their father.

Just as he was about to search for Patton so he would have someone to talk to, the library door opened and Logan peaked his head in.

"There you are, the prince told me you would be in here," the medic said. "Your family has arrived."

Roman's eyes lit up and he left the table, making the way to the door as fast as he could with crutches. Logan held the door open and stepped aside, letting him leave and head to the front doors, though he only needed to turn right to do so.

Nico and Thomas were looking around the castle with amazement, and Remus seemed to be talking to Patton. Thankfully he didn't look uncomfortable, but Remus will make him eventually.

The crutches tapping against the tiled floor caught their attention and everyone turned to Roman. Relief seemed to wash over Nico and Thomas instantly, and Remus smiled in his I-told-you-so way.

"Roman!" Nico called as he rushed over, pulling his son into a tight hug. He released him and pulled back just enough to look him in the eyes, grabbing his face and looking him all over like a mother bear. "How badly are you hurt? Oh you're leg! You shouldn't have gone so deep in the forest by yourself!"

"Dad, I'm okay!" Roman reassured him. "Well... mostly. But my leg will heal, it's just a fracture."

"We were so worried when you didn't come home with Guinevere," Thomas told him. "We thought..."

"You thought I was dead? I'm not that easy to get rid of."

"I don't know, you're pretty weak," Remus commented, walking over. He looked at Nico, "I told you he's okay. And does he seem spelled to you? I was right again! When will you listen to me." He shook his head teasingly.

"You guys thought I was spelled?" Roman thought about what Remus might have told Nico and Thomas. "Yeah I guess that would make sense. But I don't think I am, after all, Virgil is really nice. Actually, where is he anyway?"

"Oh, the prince is in his room," Patton said. He looked at Thomas and Nico. "He is... pretty shy. Plus he doesn't want to intimidate you. But if you like, we could give you a tour and maybe some tea. And afterwards, if he's up to it, we can bring him down to officially meet you."

"Oh, well, that sounds nice," Nico said, though he looked nervous at the idea of meeting the prince. No one could really blame him either, but Roman hoped he would warm up to Virgil quickly.


Tea was really helpful after the tour. Nico felt like his head was spinning, even though it was a relatively small castle. A few days ago, no one knew that a castle was in this forest! Or that a dragon witch lived so close to town! And here they were, walking around the castle going from room to room.

The mosaics were beautiful, in both the glass and stone. It's so well made, the royal family must have a love for art. They had all kinds of instruments and several scenic paintings as well. Even the garden was gorgeous, and Patton had told them that the prince sees to the garden himself.

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