Chapter 6: Can You Guys Tell That Remus Hates Thomas Yet?

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Remus barely remembered to put Guinevere back into her stall and lock it before rushing inside, deciding to take off her saddle and reins after he tells his father and Thomas about Roman. He was sure he left a dent in the wall when he threw the door open, looking to see the two were in the kitchen.

Nico was stirring a spoon in a mug as Thomas finished pouring another cup. They both glanced over when Remus slammed the door open, and both set everything down and made their way over to him.

"Where did you go?" Nico asked. "Oh gods, you're soaked! Of course you are, you were out in-" He cut himself off, taking a deep breath.

While he did, Remus told them, "I found Roman!"

Their eyes widened and Thomas asked, "Then where is he?" He looked behind Remus as if he would be there.

"Alright, well-" he thought of how to word it, realizing he's going to sound crazy. "Guinevere brought me to this giant building in the woods, a castle I think? I-I don't know, but I climbed the wall and looked into the window and I saw Roman there. I couldn't hear much, but there were two other people and a dragon witch! I thought I heard Roman saying something about being kept there, he was yelling."

"Roman was taken by a dragon witch... that lives in a castle in those woods?" Thomas asked, trying to make sense of things. However it sounded like disbelief to Remus, which only angered him.

"I'm not making this up! I wouldn't joke about my brother being in danger!"

Nico put a hand on his son's shoulder. "That's not what he meant, we're just taking this in."

"You have to believe me, he's being held there!" Remus looked desperate.

"We do, but we don't know what to do."

Thomas sighed, frowning in thought. "We don't really have any monster hunters..."

Nico looked up, "Wait! What about the Douglas kid? Janus? His parents were monster hunters and he wants to be one too. Maybe we could hire him?"

"What?!" Remus shouted. "No way! Anyone but him! Don't you remember that he broke my nose when I was a kid?"

"I was told you attacked him first. I don't like him either, but he probably knows more than us about dragon witches. Are you sure it was one?"

"The guy had wings and a tail, but that's not the point! Janus can't be the one to save Roman, what about the town's guards? We can get a bunch of them to do it?"

"We'll offer them to Janus," Thomas said. "Our main priority is to get Roman back, not slay the dragon witch. If Janus's parents were hunters, and he wants to be one, then he'll be able to figure out a plan."

Remus looked between the two of them with wide eyes. "You're seriously going to hire Deceit. Fine then! I'll just save Roman myself."

"Remus you better not do anything," Nico warned. "It's too dangerous!"

"Then don't make stupid decisions!" he stormed off, heading upstairs.

Nico's frown deepened. "They're not stupid decisions!"

Thomas put a hand on his shoulder. "I think he needs to let off some steam. Who knows what he saw in the forest? He's probably freaked out."

"I don't want him going back out there if it's really dangerous. I don't want to lose both of them."

"Hey, you're not going to lose either of them. Tomorrow we'll go to Janus's house and try to hire him for the job. And if he refuses, then we can send the guards there by themselves. Roman will be fine."

Nico put a hand over Thomas's. "I hope so."


The next day was a bit better. Roman woke up in the soft bed in the room he was brought to the night before. He had a nightmare, where he was trying to sneak out of the castle and the dragon witch caught him. The dream ended when he was caught, but his dream self knew he would be killed or cursed.

It didn't help that his leg still hurts, and when he pushed himself to the edge of the bed, he found himself dreading the thought of standing. He pushed himself off the silky sheets, but the moment pressure was put on his legs, he let himself fall back on the bed. A hot spike of pain shot up his leg when he stood, it would be pointless to try to stand.

But he was hungry. Would they bring him food? Or would he have to walk through the pain? Well... he wasn't hungry enough for that yet.

He pulled his leg back up on the bed and carefully placed pressure on it, stopping when he winced in pain. Maybe it would have been dangerous to return home last night, maybe it is best he stay until someone finds him. But he really wants to go home.

Besides, what is a dragon witch doing here? What is a castle doing here? Why has no one heard of it before? If only he could move around...

Roman's thoughts were cut off by a knock at the door

"It's Patton, I brought you some breakfast if you want some," he said through the door.

The other sighed in relief, not realizing his heart was pounding. Is he that afraid of the dragon witch? "Come on in," he called back.

The door opened and Patton came through, holding a plate of toast with some dark red jam on it. He held a cup of water in his other hand, and set both of them down on the nightstand.

"That's raspberry jam, we grow some in our garden. Logan's the jam expert, maker, and lover," he explained.

"How do you keep the garden alive in the winter? Do you keep a stalk of berries?" Roman grabbed the plate and took a bite from the toast.

"Oh no, I'm technically the gardener but the prince also pitches in. He really likes the garden, working on the flowers keeps him calm I guess. Plant magic is the only kind he has any practice with. Took him years to get it down though."

Roman hesitated. "Why... do you live with a dragon witch? Aren't they all dangerous and evil?"

Patton laughed, "Please, the only danger the Prince is, is a danger to himself. And he talks mean sometimes, but he's not evil. Just defensive. Trust me, once you get to know him, he's a great friend to rely on."

"I see..." He didn't. He honestly doesn't want to befriend a dragon witch. Especially with the nightmare he had last night.

"You okay?" Patton asked, seeing the dazed look in his eyes.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just had trouble sleeping last night."

"I know... It's hard to sleep at a new place sometimes. Logan and the Prince are working on making you crutches right now though. You'll be able to walk around a bit and explore. Hopefully it doesn't take long for your leg to heal."

"That sounds good, and I hope so. I really do miss home." Well... except for his brother. Remus has been a jerk lately, more so than usual. But that was because of Thomas.

"I know what that's like, we'll get you back there in time. For now though, I'll find ways to keep you from boredom! We have a few board games, and books, oh it'd be so fun to play with a new friend! Logan always beats me in chess."

Roman smiled, finding Patton's positivity contagious. "I'd love that, Pat. Can I call you Pat?"

The gardener's eyes lit up. "Yes! Ooh, new friend! I'll go find some stuff for us to do. Be right back!"

He ran through the door, his shoes squeaking down the hall. Roman laughed, looking back down at the toast. The jam Logan made is really good, and Patton is really kind. They're not so horrible, they're actually really kind.

But the Prince... he's terrifying. What if he curses him? Or shreds him to pieces? No, Roman would rather avoid him if he can. 

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