Chapter 7: That's Sus

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CW: mention of murder

"I don't know Logan, I just feel bad for him," Virgil sighed, watching as the medic sanded down the crutch. The dragon witch grew it from a tree in the perfect shape, he's had a lot of practice making plants grow the way he wants. Living in an isolated castle for ten years does that. "I mean, technically I am keeping him here against his will."

"Would you rather he walked out on his own with his leg how it is?" Logan asked before blowing away wood dust. He ran his fingers over the surface to make sure it was smooth.

"Of course not! He could get hurt worse!"

Logan sighed, looking up at him. "You're still a prince to the end."

Virgil frowned. "What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing, don't fret about it. Well, since our mystery guest will be staying with us until the unforeseeable future, you might as well figure out how to get along with him."

"Can't I just..." He gestured vaguely, "avoid him?"

"No, you're the head of the castle, which means you're the host. You need to make him feel comfortable."

"But he's afraid of me! And I honestly don't blame him. I mean, look at me, Logan! I'm not exactly a friendly face. I'm a monster!"

"Hey, no." Logan grabbed Virgil's arm and looked him in the eyes. "You are not a monster. The monster is the woman who killed our families and turned you into this. You're no longer human, yes, but you're not a monster."

The prince groaned, small drops of water hitting the window behind them. "I really don't see the difference."

"There is one, trust me. And you better not let Patton hear you say that. As for our guest, Roman... Why don't you give him something? A gift perhaps? One that symbolizes who you are, your interest, anything to give him a glimpse into your life so he's no longer afraid."

"My interests?"

"Of course. Reading, music, gardening, writing-"

"We don't talk about my writing phase."

Logan rolled his eyes with a small smile. "I know you still occasionally write poems, no need to be shy about it. It's a good hobby."

Virgil hid his face in his hands. "Stop... it's horrible."

"Well, the crutches are done." He held them out to the prince. "You go give them to him."

"Me?!" Virgil pushed them away. "No way! He's still terrified of me. Didn't you see his face last night?"

"Exactly, you need to show him that you're not a threat to him. Show him your soft side."

The look on Virgil's face could only be described as offense. "Soft side?!"

Logan patted his head before walking away, leaving the crutches leaning against the counter. "Yes, your soft side."

The prince glared at him as he left the room before jumping off of the counter. He grabbed the crutches, staring at the wood that he grew and manipulated from a tree root. How is he supposed to prove to Roman that he's not a monster when he is?

Virgil sighed before he looked out the window again. The small drops of water falling from the sky before it stopped drizzling, the dragon witch taking deep breaths to calm himself. However there were still dark clouds outside. There always were.

"What kind of gift represents me?" He looked at the top of the window, seeing the glass phoenix flying between roses. He couldn't help but let a small smile cross his face. "I think I know."

He grabbed the crutches before rushing down the hall, turning a corner to another that led to the garden outside. Virgil slowed down before he could crash into the door, instead grabbing the door handle and pushing it open.

Adjusting his grip on the crutches so they were held in front of him, he went over to a rose bush. He picked a rose and put it against the side of the crutch, the green stem a dark contrast to the pale wood. The stem curled around the side, the thorns softening and the flower merging with the wood. He did this to the other side of the crutch and copied for the second one.

Four roses... he didn't really like that number so he picked a fifth one. He picked off the thorns before going back inside, walking towards the stairs. He twirled the stem around between his fingers as he walked up the stairs, turning down the hall that led to the two guest rooms. Roman is still staying in the furthest room.

Virgil stopped before Roman's room and took a deep breath. "Just convince him you're not a monster," he mumbled. "Even though you totally are..."

He knocked first before opening the door. Roman was on the bed still, and Patton sat across from him. Between them was a checkers board, and Patton seemed to be winning. The two of them looked over as Virgil opened the door, and the prince held back a flinch when he noticed Roman's smile drop into a look of fear.

"I uh- I mean we made you crutches. Logan and I," Virgil awkwardly stuttered, showing the crutches as he came closer. "You're free to walk around, just don't go in the room across from the stairs, or the room to the left of that one."

"Aw, oh the flowers are so cute!" Patton gushed. "I love them!"

"Oh, thank you," Roman said, taking the crutches and setting them next to the bed.

"I also brought you a flower from my garden. I like growing them so I thought- I mean... I don't know." Virgil felt his face heating up. "I felt bad that you have to stay with us when you don't want to."

"Oh..." Roman took the red rose, the petals still wet but looking as soft as velvet. "It-it's pretty." He looked up at the prince, just realizing how tall he is. He must be the tallest in the castle, probably because he's a dragon witch.

"That's so sweet, kiddo!" Patton told him.

Virgil shrugged and grabbed his arm awkwardly. "It's nothing, really."

"Do you want to play a game with us?" Roman looked at the blonde man with surprise when he asked.

"Nah, I'll just leave. I uh, I have something to do anyway," he lied, heading to the door. "Thanks anyway."

Patton smiled wide as the door closed, obscuring their view of the prince. "He can be so sweet, but it's rare when he shows it. I think that means he wants to be friends."

"Friends?" Roman asked. Giving roses is the dragon witch's way to say he wants to be friends? That's... odd to say the least.

"Yeah! He gives me and Logie flowers sometimes too. Oh and what he did for your crutches! So beautiful. I told you he can be a softie." Patton elbowed him lightly.

"He's... certainly not what I expected." Roman looked at the rose between his fingers. Each petal is a healthy ruby red, and the thorns had been picked off. The prince seems nicer than he realized... But what's in the rooms he's not allowed to go to?

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