Chapter 15: Janus is a Paranoid Idiot

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Janus wasn't an idiot, but he couldn't figure out for the life of him why Nico would protect a dragon witch. It didn't matter, he knows what he saw, and that monster is still a dragon witch. It's a threat to Goldsfield, and it's Janus's responsibility to protect this town as the only monster hunter left.

He's already sent out a letter to H.A.M.M. but who knows how long it'll take for them to get it, much less do anything. It could be weeks or even months! There's been a decrease in monster hunters and now they're spread thin, trying to protect the whole country. They get countless letters every day.

But it is a dragon witch, that's high priority! Someone has to do something about it, right? Who knows how long the dragon witch has been at that abandoned castle, and what its plans are. And more importantly, who knows when it will strike.

Janus can't wait for the other monster hunters, he has to make a move now. But he needs a plan, a fool proof one. There's no such thing against such a monster, but he had to try something. And he already had an idea growing.

His house is small, there are only two bedrooms and a single bathroom. The kitchen and living room are in the same space, and there's no dining room. It was just the kitchen, a couch, a coffee table, and a bookshelf. One of the bedrooms was his, and the other was his parents' former bedroom. When they left, they took most of their stuff, but not everything. They left their bed, their dressers, nightstands, and oh yeah, a crystal left specifically for Janus that can repress any magic, even a dragon witches.

Only problem is that it only works within 15 feet of the dragon witch. Janus would have to find a way to hide his presence to get that close. He definitely can't take Saint, and he'll have to leave Dakota far back. The weather is getting colder, so the chances of rain is getting slim. It would most likely snow the next time the weather gets bad, so he'll need to find another way to mask his scent.

That part will be trickier, even if he took a dip in a stream or rolled in the dirt. No, he needs to stay downwind and find a way to get the crystal close to the dragon witch.

However once he does... What's the plan then? Janus knows he shouldn't underestimate any monster or foe. Just because the dragon witch will be without magic doesn't mean it isn't strong or skilled enough to win a fight. It can't be hand to hand, but that shouldn't be a problem. Thanks to his blacksmith skills, he has made plenty of his own weapons. He's skilled with a knife, not so much swords unfortunately.

It'll be tough to defeat a dragon witch, especially one that has been hidden for who knows how long right next to town. But Janus just has to try.


Virgil peaked his head into Roman's room only to find it empty. He frowned and left, walking towards the kitchen. It was early in the morning now, and though his guest doesn't seem to have a schedule like Logan does, he's usually still in his room around this time.

There was noise in the kitchen, as well as the bitter smell of coffee and a sweeter smell of syrup. He could hear Logan and Patton's voice, though they were muffled by the door. Maybe Roman got up early and is with them?

However, opening the door only revealed Virgil's two oldest friends, Roman nowhere to be seen.

"Good morning," Patton greeted.

Logan just smiled at him and poured another cup of coffee. "Patton made some pancakes," he told Virgil, handing him the mug.

"Thank you." The prince took a sip of the coffee. He made a face at the hot coffee before grabbing a spoon to get some sugar. "Have you two seen Roman?"

"Yup, he got some breakfast earlier before heading to the library," Patton told him. "He said he was looking for something to help you, but didn't say anything else."

Virgil couldn't help but smile as he dipped the spoon full of sugar in his cup. "Yeah, he said he wanted to help me find a way to break the curse. To turn me back into a human. I'm not too hopeful but... He seems confident."

Patton gasped, "Does that mean you two are friends? Oh he's so nice, I'm so happy!"

"Indeed just... don't get your hopes up," Logan said with a sad smile.

"I know, I've read a lot of those books on magic and none of them mention a cure, at least I don't remember," Virgil said. "But maybe I missed something?"

Logan shrugged and turned to his coffee. "Maybe."

Patton stacked some pancakes on a plate. "Get something to eat before you join him. You're not going to read a bunch of books on an empty stomach."

Virgil took the plate with a bright smile. "Thanks Pat. I'm going to go look for Roman now."

"No problem, have fun."

Logan watched the prince leave the room. "He has his hopes up."

Patton shrugged. "Is that such a bad thing?"

"I've read all of the books in there that talk about dragon witches. Few of them talked about those cursed to be a dragon witch, and none of them talked about a cure. He shouldn't get too hopeful."

Virgil balanced his coffee cup on the plate as he opened the library door. He didn't need to walk far in to see Roman already at a table, a stack of books next to him. The human's head popped up when the door closed and he turned to see the dragon witch.

"Good morning, Virgil," Roman greeted, turning his chair slightly. The prince couldn't help but notice the red gem around the human's neck. "I found as many books as I could carry on dragon witches. I think this is a good start."

There were at least twenty books stacked on the table. "Definitely," Virgil agreed, setting his plate and coffee down. "It'll at least keep us busy for the rest of the day. How long have you been up?"

"Not that long, I don't think so at least. I had some breakfast with Patton and Logan before coming here. I haven't even finished the first book and I've just been skimming through it."

Virgil sat down next to him and grabbed a book. "That's smart." The book he grabbed was about all sorts of magical creatures. He looked at the table of contents before flipping to the section about dragon witches. Some of the books were old and outdated, but Virgil will try any ritual or potion to change himself back into a human.

It would be amazing to not have to worry about tearing something with his claws on accident, or his wings knocking something over. Not to mention he wouldn't have to worry about a tail to step on, that always hurts, it's like stubbing a toe.

One thing he will miss will be his plant magic. It'll be hard keeping his roses alive in the winter, maybe even in the warmer seasons too. He'll definitely have to rely on Patton, but he is the royal gardener. Ever since Virgil has started to take care of the plants, he's been more of the chef.

On the brightside, with his magic gone, he won't cause all kinds of storms by accident. The weather above the castle will be normal, the rain will come naturally. Everything will be normal once again.

Food will be a bit harder to come by on their own. There's another garden on the side of the castle full of fruits and vegetables, and Virgil helps Logan hunt for deer. Patton and Logan will occasionally fish, but the walk to the river is quite long. However they have plenty of money, maybe they could go into town?

They could go into town. Virgil could go into town. Patton and Logan only ever go to Goldsfield if they really need something. They might not have any horses anymore but they still have a few cows and plenty of chickens left, so they don't need milk or eggs, everything else they have a stockpile of. But occasionally they need something they ran out of, like flour or oil, and one of them will leave.

Virgil, however, has never been in the town. Not even when he was a child. He wasn't very social, but being trapped in this castle for years has made him curious of what it's like. And if he becomes human, he can go. He can visit Roman, and he won't have to worry about anyone being terrified of him. The thought of it excites him, he really wants this.

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