Chapter 33: Wait Where's the Classic Chase Scene?

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Janus was given a pretty small tent, just big enough for himself and Saint, though the dog was taking up more than half of it. He was thankful to have his own place to sleep, but sleeping was the last thing he was going to do. If his tent was any bigger, he would be pacing around. Instead he was turning around on the floor, his thoughts too loud to allow him to sleep.

After successfully turning around on the floor three times, Saint quietly barked at him. The hunter sighed and sat up slightly, scratching between his ears.

"Sorry Saint, I'm just having some trouble sleeping," he admitted.

The dog nudged closer to him, making a low sound in his throat.

"I know... it's not right." He wouldn't say it out loud just in case someone could overhear him, but it really wasn't right. What Virgil was going through right now, what they're doing with him... He didn't deserve this. It made Janus's skin itch just thinking about it.

He stayed sitting up for a few more minutes before he groaned. "I hate that I'm going to do this..."

Janus grabbed his bag and stuffed his things inside. Saint stood up and started wagging his tail, hitting the side of the tent as he finished packing. The hunter quietly shushed him as he opened the tent and crawled outside.

Thankfully he set up his tent near Dakota on the edge of the camp. He glanced around to make sure there weren't any guards nearby before rushing over to his horse. Dakota was laying down having fallen asleep, she was startled when Janus touched her neck.

"Shhh, it's okay girl," he cooed, grabbing her saddle. He put everything on her, strapping his bag behind the saddle.

Janus untied her rein and started walking his way around camp, staying behind a line of trees to avoid any attention. As he made his way towards Virgil's cage, he froze behind a tree. Someone was there.

He squinted his eyes to see who it was, only seeing a small form. He could take whoever it was, but they might shout for help and wake up the entire camp. Was it a guard? That'd make sense, Virgil is 'precious cargo.' But why was the hunter turned towards the dragon witch as if talking to him?

The mysterious hunter said something that caused Virgil to sit up, albeit slowly since he seemed to struggle. Janus probably should have stolen another horse but he didn't have the time to do that now. He needed to get to the dragon witch fast, he just needed a distraction of some kind.

As he was looking around for anything, a rock perhaps, he glanced back up to see the hunter walk towards the lock on the cage. He pulled out what looked like a small dagger from here and started picking the lock. It took a moment for Janus to realize what he was doing, and when he did, the soon to be ex hunter rolled his eyes.

"Stay," he commanded, pointing at Saint and Dakota.

He left the tree line and started to make his way over to the cage, still trying to hide in the shadows.

"C'mon, c'mon," the kid pleaded as he wiggled the dagger in the lock, trying to hit something.

Virgil glanced around to make sure no one was going to see the kid, and he froze when he saw movement in the shadow of a tent way too close by. He relaxed when he realized it was only Janus, only to tense up once again because Janus betrayed him!

"Don't you dare," he whispered-yelled, getting the kid's attention.

The boy looked up and gasped, taking a step back.

Janus only looked annoyed and rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to rat you out, a second time. I'm here to help." He quietly jogged closer, pulling one of his gloves back. He pulled out two thin pieces of metal, each with a slight hook at the end. "Stand aside, or actually go grab a horse. I doubt Dakota can carry the three of us."

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