Chapter 16: Roman Fucks Up

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CW: blood, mentions of dead bodies

Roman sat back in his chair, closing his eyes to rest them. It felt like he's been reading non stop for days, but it's only been a few hours. He just can't stay focused on it any longer, they need a break.

"Are you hungry?" he asked Virgil. "I'd like a snack."

Virgil set a bookmark in his book and nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good. Did you find anything?"

"No, nothing so far. Every section on cursed humans doesn't tell me how to undo the curse. We are clearly going to need a lot more books."

"We just need the right book." Virgil stood up and stretched, his dark wings unfolding.

Roman couldn't help but stare. They really were a pretty shade of purple. "Can you fly?"

"What? Oh uh... I haven't tried. Maybe?"

"You mean you have wings and you haven't tried to fly before? If I had wings, I'd never be on the ground!"

"You never are mentally, you always have your head in the clouds." Virgil helped Roman stand up, though he didn't need it.

"Okay that's just rude."

"Sorry but that's just who I am."

"What happened to being a hospitable host?"

"I don't need to be kind to be hospitable."

"Yes you do, that's literally the definition of it."

"Well you've been here long enough that it's not anymore. Maybe we still have some of Patton's cupcakes in the kitchen."

Roman laughed at the sudden change in topic. They really have started to get more comfortable around each other. It was nice, Virgil is a really good friend.

"Oh before I forget, I wanted to give you something," Virgil told him. He pulled something from his pocket and held it out to Roman.

In the dragon's palm was a pair of earrings. It looked like they matched with the necklace he was wearing, a circular red gem, then a golden bead, followed by another gem shaped like a raindrop. "Oh it's beautiful."

"I noticed you had your ears pierced so I thought you'd like the whole set." The dragon witch let them fall into the humans hands.

"I love them. Are you sure you want to give me these?"

Virgil shrugged, looking away as pink dusted his cheeks. "Yeah... think of it as... a thank you present. For uh... wanting to help me break this curse."

Roman suddenly wrapped him up in a hug, and Virgil tensed first before returning it. "I have never been so thankful for a broken leg." He pulled back and switched out the small studs in his ears for the red earrings. "How do I look?"

Beautiful, Virgil couldn't help but think. "They-they fit you." The red and gold was a perfect fit against his sun tanned skin and brown hair. They're his colors.

Roman's joyful laugh was more of a giggle, and it made Virgil's heart flutter. There's no going back now... He really likes Roman. He's going to get himself heartbroken...


Roman's curiosity has been nagging at him ever since he was told not to go into the rooms. He has an idea of where one room leads to, but not the other. And the giant glass picture he saw when he was in the garden only made him more curious.

That was the biggest glass picture he's seen in the whole house! It has to be an important room, maybe a meeting room? A ballroom? He already had a feeling of who the people in the picture are, but why is it broken?

He won't get his answers by snooping, but every time he passes the door, he gets more curious as to what's inside the room. The only thing that's stopping him is he doesn't want to break Virgil's trust. That and he could easily be caught sneaking in.

So instead of going in, he squints at the glass window whenever he's in the garden, trying to make out shapes. He could see some blocky shadows, but that was it, and it only made his curiosity worse. Which brings him to the room now, when he knows Logan is downstairs in the art room because he can hear soft music being played from down there, apparently he's learned the harp. If he's playing some music, then that means Patton is with him listening to it. And Virgil should be in the library, but looking around, Roman doesn't see him.

He's not going to mess with anything, all he wants is a quick peak. That's all he needs to satisfy his curiosity.

He cracked open the door and glanced in. The sun was setting so the light was dim, but he could see clearly in there. Colors reflected off of the colored glass, glowing brightly. The boxy shadows he had seen while in the garden were wrapped in colorful paper and bows. Presents set on clothed tables.

The sight overtook Roman and he slowly walked inside. The floor was a white marble, but further in the room there were a few cracks. Some of them were stained red, but it looks like most of the red was washed away. On the floor at least, looking around Roman saw some red stains on the walls, too high to be wiped away. In the corners were broken glass, as if most were swept away but not all.

This room held a battle against an unstoppable force. Roman had the horrible thought of three young boys cleaning this room, removing dead bodies. How could this happen? Why did this happen? The air in the room felt heavy despite a giant hole being in the glass.

Roman looked up at it, squinting against the sun. Seeing this room showed him the rest of the picture. He knows what happened now, but he wished he didn't. He knows he should leave but he can't, it was like looking at a burning house. The flames were so colorful and sharp.

The door creaked open.

Roman spun around and his chest was filled with dread. Virgil caught him.

Emotion flooded the dragon witch's eyes in only a second, first confusion, then shock, and something that was suspiciously familiar to sadness. Finally his emotions seemed to settle on anger, and Roman desperately wished it could go back to confusion. How he wanted to be invisible right now...

"What are you doing in here?" Virgil asked, his voice shaky at first before finding its ground in flames. "I told you this room is off limits."

Roman tried to explain. "I know- I just..." Just what? He knew he wasn't allowed in here. After all the hospitality Virgil has shown him, and even the gifts! And it's no wonder this room is off limits, it holds such a tragic history for the prince.

At first it seemed like he was going to say more, or move forward, or do something. But instead Virgil turned away, his hands curled into fists as he left the room and walked away.

"Virgil, wait!" Roman called, going after him. But of course the man with two perfectly good legs walked faster than him. He reached his room before Roman could catch up and he shut the door close. There was a metal click that he could only assume was the lock.

He wanted to beg for a chance to explain, to make things right. But he couldn't, there was nothing to explain. He messed up, went behind Virgil's back and hurt him. Nothing he could say would fix this. Maybe nothing he can do.

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