Chapter 32: It's a Child!

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CW: slight starvation

Virgil was grateful when the carriages finally stopped. The cage he was in shook whenever the trailer hit a rock, which was not easy on his shoulder. Pain flared up whenever he tried to move even slightly and his shivering was not helping.

Despite being lightheaded and freezing, he tried not to show any weakness. These hunters would get a kick out of his pain, so he kept his face as neutral as possible or held a frown when it got hard.

He had noticed Janus glancing at him every now and then, and he hoped the hunter felt every bit of guilt as he should. It should be killing him, and guessing on how quiet he was and that he was trying to avoid Virgil's gaze, there is some guilt there.

There was nothing for him to do other than watch the hunters set up for camp. He watched as they set up tents, started a few fires and prepared dinner. It seemed like they had meat of some kind, and the smell of it cooking over the fires was enough to cause Virgil's stomach to growl. However the thought of eating made him feel nauseous, he wouldn't be able to keep anything down in his state.

A few hours went by and the hunters finally seemed to be going to bed. Fires were being put out and several were crawling into tents. Virgil's hunger was getting worse, he hadn't eaten since breakfast!

Just when it seemed like the hunters weren't going to give him any food, a younger hunter with a bowl in his hands was pushed forward by two older hunters. He looked nervous as the other hunters just laughed it off. Virgil heard one of them say, "Just make sure he eats the food and not you."

Despite the kid being a hunter, Virgil still felt anger flare up for him. He was obviously terrified out of his mind, he thinks Virgil would mean him harm, and those two who also think he's dangerous just laughed it off.

With shaky legs, the boy walked forward trying not to spill whatever was in the bowl. Virgil watched him carefully, which probably didn't help the boy's nerves. There was a short sword on his hip, which seemed to be the only weapon he had on him unless there were more hidden on his person.

He also seemed to be one of the few hunters with dark skin. His hair was cut short and grew out curly, and his uniform looked a bit too big on him. He must still be around fifteen or sixteen years old. They brought a child to fight a dragon witch?

If Virgil was anything like that dragon witch who cursed him so long ago... How easily she flung men into the air. They were never able to clean all that blood so high on the walls. If he was a true beast like that, then a child had no right being anywhere near him!

The boy stopped a good three feet away from the cage, soup still in hand. His shoulders were tense and the edge of the wooden bowl was pressed deep into his thumbs as he forced his hands not to shake.

"Um... food," he said after a moment, his voice high. Virgil wasn't sure if that was due to his age or anxiety.

The dragon witch tried to give him a soft smile. "Thank you," he said. It probably wasn't the best, but he just couldn't help his curiosity. "How old are you?"

"I uh... I'm sixteen."

"Thought so." He was going to ask why a sixteen year old would be working with hunters on a very dangerous mission, but he didn't trust his voice to not hold the anger he felt. "What's your name?"

"Nope, I'm not falling for that! I don't want to find out the wrong way that you have fae blood or anything like that. I'm just going to put your food down and leave, so you better not try anything." He took a step forward and set the bowl down.

Virgil sighed as the young boy left, returning stiffly to his post. The two hunters that sent him towards the dragon witch teased him, though the prince couldn't hear what they were saying. No one made a move toward him after that, though he waited a moment before looking down at the small bowl.

There was a space between the bars that was bigger than the rest, possibly meant to give food. It was on the other side of the cage though, and even though it was still cramp, Virgil was not happy to have to reach over to get it.

Biting his tongue he did just that, the ache in his shoulder burning. He grabbed the bowl and leaned back as fast as he could, a bit too fast however. A small whimper escaped before he could stop it, his head spinning faster than was tolerable. It lasted only a moment and he was able to focus his attention on the bowl.

It was clearly scraps from whatever meal the hunters had. A few pieces of mystery meat swam in the watery broth, carrot and celery surrounded it. For a moment Virgil debated just starving to death, but he planned to get his freedom back one day so he swallowed his pride along with the lukewarm stew. He wasn't given any utensils so he just drank it from the bowl.

Once he was finished and it no longer felt like his stomach was trying to eat itself, he set the bowl down and laid down on his uninjured arm. He curled up and wrapped himself up in his wings, thankful for his natural blanket.


He didn't know how long he was asleep before Virgil felt himself being poked by a stick. At first he simply grumbled and curled up tighter, making the poking stop momentarily. Then there was another poke and he was tempted to scare whoever it was before he heard a small and quiet voice.

"Um, are you awake?"

Virgil quickly opened his eyes to see it was the child from earlier. He still looked wary of him, but less so from earlier. The dragon witch pulled back his wing, making the kid flinch at the movement. As much as he didn't want to scare the kid, Virgil was tired so he did not hold back the frustration in his voice.

"What do you want?" he grumbled.

"I uh... s-sorry to bother you," he looked around the camp nervously. It was pretty dark and quiet now, Virgil could see only one other guard who was not looking their way and was probably sleeping against the tree they were leaning on. "I just... I heard rumors earlier. That you were human once, like us."

The prince frowned. How did they know? And if they did, why did they attack him? "What difference does that make?" he sighed, laying his head back down against the wooden cage of the floor. If it weren't for the cuffs on his wrists, he could probably burn it and push the bars through the burned charcoal, freeing himself.

"It's true? When were you cursed? And why?"

Virgil was quiet for a moment, studying the kid. Why did he want to know? What was he doing? Well... he seemed innocent enough for a hunter. "I was a child, I don't know why. Another dragon witch had a grudge against my family I guess."

"Maybe... maybe when we get to the base we'll find a way to help change you back?"

"Ha, as if." He looked away. "The only way I'll be changed back into a human is if another dragon witch does it for me. Besides, you guys shot me. Whatever plans you all have for me won't be pleasant."

The human was quiet for a beat too long and Virgil looked up to see he was thinking. Finally the child's shoulders dropped. "You're probably right..." He sounded upset about it. Regret poisoned his words. Then his face changed into a look of determination. "I won't let that happen."

Hope wormed its way into the prince's chest before he squashed it down. "Yeah? What are you going to do, the other hunters wouldn't listen to a kid like you. Don't worry about it, you didn't shoot me. You didn't put these cuffs on me, or throw me in here. And you also didn't betray me." Virgil found his eyes wandering around the camp, looking for a particular face.

"I know they won't listen to me, but that's not what I mean. I'm going to get you out of here."

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