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I took a deep breath, I can't believe I was seeing my mom today. I wore my sweatpants and white t shirt.
Pulling my hoodie to cover my long hair.

I'm seeing my mom today, I replayed in my head as I put on my make up.
It took me a week to finally look at the mirror after one month of avoiding them.

"Your mom is here" Lily told me.
I walked out of my room to the visiting area.
Mom was sitting there biting her nails.
"Mom" I whispered.
"Jamie" she hugged me tightly.
I held her in my arms taking in her scent and her warmth.

"You can stand now?" I asked.

"I can walk without help" she walked around our space. I sat beside her instead of opposite.

"How are you feeling Jamie?" She asked.
"I'm fine mom.. I'm great, at first it was so hard.. I thought I was going to die but I'm fine now.. I have friends too" I said proudly.

"Really? You're not going to turn this place to your home now are you?" Ava asked behind us.
I stood up and hugged her, Bella joined in too.
"Always the bratty sister" I teased as we sat down.

"We wanted to give you two some moments but Ava couldn't wait" Bella said.

"I missed you too" I smiled holding their hands.

"You look like our Jamie" Ava said.

"I'll always be your Jamie... I'm so sorry I had to put you through that pain.. I'm sorry mom" I looked at my hands.

"It's okay Jamie.. we are proud of you.. we were told we couldn't see you because you refused to talk.. I kept coming every week and just sitting out here hoping I'd see you.. when I was told I can.. I felt so happy.. I knew you would beat all odds" mom smiled.

"I love you mommy" I sobbed

"I love you too my baby" she wiped my tears.
"Is there a baby shower going on or what?" Lissa approached us

"Lissa" I hugged her.

"How are you? I take that back.. you look great" she hugged me.

"Thank you so much Lissa.. thank you" I told her.
"What? You did everything by yourself... You overcame the fear and opened up" she smiled.

"We are proud of you Jamie" Ava said.

"Just get treatment and you'll have a great come back . I opened my own agency" she replied.

"Congratulations.. but I'm not coming back" I said.
"What? You're gonna be here forever?" Bella asked.

"No.. no . I'm going back to school, I'm gonna be a therapist" I watched Nelson approach one of the nurses.

He looked so good without his lab coat. Is he leaving early? Going on a date?.
"That's a good one . Who's that?" Ava asked

"A doctor.. mom.. I'm going back to medical school" I smiled.

"We support you Jamie.. do whatever makes you happy" Lissa hugged me again.

" I miss the outside world"I sighed.

" Just hang in there"mom said hugging me again.
Can I reek of hugs? I think by the end of the day I would reek of hugs. I love it

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