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I sat with Melissa at the company waiting area with my hat and sunglasses. I was there to see Steven because I needed some cocaine and didn't know how to get any.

"You're distracting me, you keep tapping the table like you rather have somewhere else to be" Lissa looked at me.

"I'm fine.. I'm fine.. wait here, I'll be out soon" I couldn't wait anymore so I entered the office.
I was one of the few who could enter the office without appointment and I know the secretary knew something was going on between us. I couldn't care less.
Steven was talking to someone on phone which he excused himself immediately I entered.

"I need some of that" I said.
"What?" He looked at me.

" I want you to hook me up with a dealer, I can't keep coming to you when I need a refill"I removed my hat and sunglasses.

" Why should I do that?I'm going to lose some sponsors because you couldn't keep your part of the agreement"he stared at me.

" I'll do it.. I'll do the stunt just give me.. give me some damn... Coke"I shouted at him.

" What if you refuse to do it after taking my stuff.. that shit is expensive"he said.

" Where is it? Where did you hide it? "I looked around his office.
Opening each drawer turning over his table and files.

" What are you doing? "He grabbed me.

" Please.. please.. please.. help me, I'll do whatever you want"I pleaded.
He opened his wallet and gave me a wrap.
" You promise you'll do the double mhh? "He said.

I spread the coke on the table and sniffed smiling as I felt the euphoria.
" I need a dealer"I told him.
" I can't get you one, you'll overdose"he said

" I won't overdose.. I'm not even an addict.. I can stop whenever I want"I told him hiding the rest of them in my pocket
" You have to be careful with that... If you're caught, your career is over and I love you, I've got big plans for you"he kissed me.

" I love you too but I still need a dealer"I sat down.

" I won't connect you but I can give you some whenever you're running low"he threw another wrap to me..
" I love that shit"I smiled.

" You promised to do the double"he looked at me.

" And I will, I promise"I said.

" You're gonna be busy for next month, meet some sponsors and shoot the double"he unzipped his trouser.

" I want a week vacation after that"I said.

" You'll get it.. now come and make me happy"he waved his dick at me.
I hurried to his side immediately.

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