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September 5, 1998

Dear Journal,

This evening when I went to class I thought of it as a bore some task. Just a way to make money while I gruel myself through med school. But to my surprise I saw the most delightful girl in class. She has honey blonde hair and green eyes that sparkle. I think I'd like to get to know her better. I wonder what she thinks of me? I caught her making a glance at me, but she looked away embarrassed. I hope she needs tutoring, no I don't hope she struggles. I just want to spend time alone if you get me?

P.S. Her name is Meredith Grey.


September 21, 1998

Dear Journal,

After two weeks of waiting for things to happen, I decided to just make them happen. Meredith Grey is definitely a woman I want to get to know. She's beautiful, smart, and from the looks of it (yes I went all stalker and looked up her class schedule) she's pre-med. Something I can relate to, a lot to. I'm not sure if she's shy, focused, or stuck up-though I highly doubt the last one. Reason being is that she seems to ignore looking my direction in class and is almost always the first person to dart from the classroom.

I think what I need to do is what the old timers call chivalry. Perhaps that'll get her attention...or even better, maybe it'll get her to fall in love with me.


September 22, 1998

Dear Journal,

I don't have class with her until Wednesday, ok tomorrow, but I was overly anxious to start in on my plan. I stalked her...and I wasn't even shy about it.

Day 1: I brought her a coffee from Tully's. I'd watched her bring in a cup or two every now and then so I went to the one closest to campus and fat chanced it, I asked the barista if she knew what drink Meredith usually got. To my luck and relief, she did.

I waited outside her Physics classroom with two cups in hand. She looked shocked to see me leaning against the wall outside the door and started to pass on by as if she didn't believe it...that is until I called her name.

She took the peace offering graciously and wondered how I knew that she liked Pumpkin Spice Latte's with no whip and extra foam. I shrugged and told her it was a lucky guess. I formally, but casually, introduced myself. But unfortunately her class started right away and she had to go.

Never fear...this is only the beginning.


September 25, 1998

Dear Journal,

Day 2: A damsel in distress.

Tonight we had our first test in class. I held my own at my small corner desk as the professor graded introductory essays while waiting for students to finish their tests. I heard a soft snap...one I knew well and always dreaded-the sound of a broken pencil. I glanced up and saw Meredith cursing at the sight of her cracked lead. I quietly moved out of my seat and grabbed a couple number 2's off my desk and made my way up the steps as if I were checking to make sure every student was paying attention to his own test. As I passed by Meredith's desk I subtly put the pencil's on her desk. She very quietly whispered 'thank you' and I made my rounds and went back to my desk.

I haven't graded her test yet but I'm sure she aced it with flying colors. Like I said, she's smart. Maybe even smarter than me, but don't ever tell her I told you that.

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