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"Is that the last box?" Derek asked as he came into the living room.

I looked up from the spot on the floor I was sitting on, sorting through the last box of my things I'd brought over.

"It's the last box." I grinned up at him.

"Thank God." He grinned as he sat on the edge of the coffee table "I don't know how all this crap fit in here before."

"Hey." I scoffed "Crap or no crap, it's my crap."

"Whatever you say dear." He said, forcing a smile.

I rolled my eyes "That's the smartest thing you've said to me throughout our entire marriage." I frowned "Or divorce...I guess we're not married anymore."

His brow pinched a little in thought.

"Hang on."

"Ok." I frowned as I watched him get up quickly and go into the office/den, he came out a minute later with two copies of blue backed papers. I felt my skin crawl as I saw those things... "Derek what are you doing, I don't think bringing those out is a good way to start out this thing..."

"They're just pieces of paper." He said, he grabbed the remote for the gas fireplace and turned it on, I frowned as he opened the glass door of the fireplace and then proceeded to toss the papers in. "there, no more divorce."

I rolled my eyes and giggled "It's not that easy Derek."

"Why can't it be?" He asked as he sat down next to me "Everyone says that marriage is just a piece of paper...why can't divorce be a piece of paper. Sure, the state of Washington thinks we're divorced...but what do they matter anyway?"

I slowly smiled as I got what he was saying, I glanced in the fireplace and saw the charred remains of the divorce papers smoldering on the fake logs.

"So we're not divorced anymore."

"We're not divorced anymore." He smiled.

"Do we need to get re-married, or say something or kiss..."

"Do you have a piece of paper?"

I looked around, then in the box filled with office supplies and grabbed a pad of post it notes and held it up to him, he took it with a smile and grabbed a pen then started to write...

"I, Derek Shepherd..."

"And I, Meredith Grey." I chimed in.

"Hereby, re-instate this marriage on this day, May 12, 2011."

"Is that all it's going to say?" I asked, he frowned.

"What else do you want it to say?"

"No more hiding...no matter how painful it is, you have to come home to me every night."

"Alright." He smiled as he wrote down what I said "And you have to talk to me, even when you can't look at me."

"Ok." I giggled "And no going out with pretty scrub nurses just to make me jealous or because you're jealous."

"I wasn't-" he defended.

"Write it!" I demanded...with love of course. He shook his head but wrote it down.

"Last thing," he said "We get through everything together...no matter what."

"No matter what." I smiled "So is that it?"

"Just one more thing."

He smiled as he leaned into me, his hands trailed up my cheeks as he pulled me in for a soft warm kiss to seal our deal.

"I now pronounce you Mrs. Derek Shepherd....again."

"Mmm." I hummed "So do we get to consummate this thing now?"

"I thought you'd never ask." He chuckled before tackling me to the floor.

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