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"Well, look what the cat dragged in." I heard behind me.

I smiled into my new cubby and closed the door before turning around in my pretty blue scrubs.

"I missed you too."

Cristina rolled her eyes as she sat on a bench. I saw a familiar figure approach the doorway and scowl at me.

"I thought I smelled some Mercy West stench in here."

"And you too Alex." I swooned.

"Give her a break guys." Izzy said whizzing past him through the door "She's got a lot on her plate, it's bad enough she has to work with her ex-husband so cut her some slack."

I tried not to let that sting rush to my face but Izzy turned to me apologetically regardless.

"Oh Mer, I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

"It's fine." I shrugged "You're right, I have to work with Derek. But you know what, I don't' care. I'm secure enough in myself that I won't let him or any of you bother me."

"Whatever, we get first dibs on surgeries....traitor."

"Wasn't it you who spent the last two years trying to get me to come back?"

She rolled her eyes again.

"Well like it or not Mercy West is coming." I said as I shrugged into my lab coat.. the one that Derek gave me the night he proposed "And it would be good to have someone on your side that knows them, their strengths, their weaknesses, what gets under their skin. You know.. to get the upper hand and all." I sighed as I latched my watch onto my wrist "But please...hate on me instead-your friend."

They were left speechless as I left the lounge room, a smile gracing my lips.

I felt an arm loop around my neck and I was pulled into an armpit that smelled like old spice. I rolled my eyes.

"You knew I was just kidding right, Grey?"

"You were being incredibly yourself Alex." I giggled "But seriously, your armpit is the only stench around here."

"Sorry." He said as he pushed me away. "You're eating lunch with us right?"

"Of course." I smiled.

"See you then."

I nodded and watched him jog off. It was nice to see that my friends were all still the same group I'd left.

I turned to make my way to the surgical board and froze.

The man possessing a ferry boat scrub cap was standing in front of it, studying something. I gulped as I put one foot in front of the other.

"Hi." I said meekly.

He turned and looked at me, his eyes sweeping me once over and a polite smile graced his lips.

"Hey." He breathed "I hear that you're one of us again."

"Yeah." I nodded "Just signed my contract, the ink is drying as we speak."

"Good." He smirked subtly "You look better in blue."

My eyes relaxed, God did I ever "I absolutely detest the color orange."

"I know." He hummed. "So what do you have to get started on today?"

I glanced at the board and smirked.

"An appendectomy in OR 2."

He shared a similar amusement in his eyes; which told me I wasn't the worst person on the planet to him-that was hope.

"Remember the first time I was in on an appy?" I asked, sparring his memory.

"How could I forget." He showed a hint of a smile "I still can't believe you pulled that one off. And there I was the one trying to impress."

We both chuckled for a moment and then fell into a very uncomfortable silence. Both diverting our eyes to the board, I gulped and let out a sigh.

"Derek." I mumbled.


"We can do this." It wasn't a question, it was a statement "We can be the divorced couple and work together. We can do this."

He was quiet for a moment but turned and gave me a polite nod.

"It's good to have you back Dr. Grey."

"Good to be back."

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