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I was filling out a chart in the hallway as my mind plotted my next move. I was still a little stunned by Derek's recent elevator outburst, but it was good.

How was him yelling at me good?

It meant that he still felt something. Even if he was yelling and screaming, though I'd rather he not, it was still good that he was letting his emotions run wild for me. I had hope of turning those emotions around soon.

Love and adoration was always my preferred reaction from him. If I had to annoy the hell out of him to get to that point... well so be it.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I grabbed it, smiling at the familiar number that lit it up.

"Ma." I smiled as I answered it "How are you?"

"Oh fantastic darling, just fantastic." She said "How are you?"

"I'm doing well, a little overwhelmed but I'm really enjoying my new job."

"New job?"

"Yes," I said "I'm working back at Seattle Grace again, Richard offered me one hell of an offer."

"Oh, and you're okay working with Derek again?" she asked with more curiosity to her voice than I'm sure she planned to.

"We're adults." I answered. Though I had plans... I didn't want to let Ma in on them, if she stepped in it might throw a wrench into everything. I wanted Derek to come to be out of will, not force. "We can work together just fine."

"And how does he feel about it?"

"He's....Derek." I sighed and shook it off "What are you up to today."

"Well we got snow last night, so I'm staying indoors today. I thought I'd call and check up on my children."

"Thank you." I smiled "It really means a lot to me that you still consider me one of your own."

"You always will be darling." She said "But I was hoping to get a status update on my son, have you seen him today."

"He's not answering your calls?" I raised a brow.

"No." she said sadly "I haven't heard from him in about six weeks."

"You're kidding!" I groaned. "Well let me go get him, I know where he is."

"Oh that would be lovely darling."

I walked down the hallway and took a right and then a left down the hall that was lined with OR doors. I walked into the number three and stopped at the sink.

"Ma, hang on I'm going to put you in my pocket until I get scrubbed in."

"Oh you're not going into the OR to get him are you?"

"Yes, Ma." I answered "Is that a problem?"

She laughed.

I held my own giggles as I scrubbed in, put on a pair of gloves, mask and surgical cap then took the phone out of my pocket. I walked in and Derek turned to me with surprise in his eyes.

"Dr. Grey?"

I held the phone out to him. "You have a phone call."

"Who is it?" he frowned.

"Your mother." I glared "Apparently you haven't called her in six weeks and she's worried about you."

"I'm in surgery!" he scoffed "Tell her I'll call her later."

"Tell her yourself."

"Dr. Grey please leave my OR."

"Ma." I called into the phone, "Hang on I'm going to put you on speaker phone!"

"Meredith!" he whirled at me, I smirked under my mask and heard a few snickers around the OR. He huffed and muttered something profane under his breath as he stepped away from the table and glared at me as I put the phone to his ear. "Ma?"

I wasn't able to hear what she was telling him but by the look of his changing facial expressions and half words stuttering out of his mouth it sounded as if she was giving him an earful.

"Ok Ma, I promise. As soon as I get out of surgery I will call you." He sighed as he stepped away from the phone. "Pathetic."

"Pathetic?" I snickered "Not being grown up enough to answer your mother's calls...why yes, that is pathetic."

He scoffed again. I giggled as I walked out of the OR, which I was sure drove him up the wall. I put the phone back to my ear.

"You still there Ma?"

"Yes darling." She said "And might I say you're doing an excellent job."


"Roping him back in."

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