01 A Mirror Of Shattered Dreams

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Tsukasa POV:
It's been two days since the, "incident". Their actions were excused. It's not like I'm surprised it's just, this is the first time they didn't stop at just following me home. It was honestly terrible.

But I have no time to ramble. I should practice the piano more. Who knows when Saki's coming home after all.

I sit on the velvet cushioned top of the piano stool and try to get comfortable. I gently run my fingers along the piano keys, leaving a grayish brown tint of dust on my finger tips. I brush it off and take a deep breath. It has to be perfect. Because if it's not perfect, who am I?

I close my eyes and let my hands run along the keys, memorising each and every key to the melody I play. I can't help but feel I'm drifting away so I try to focus harder. It doesn't work, I feel I've been fully whisked away to a far away land.

I try to resist the urge to give in to the bliss of sleep. I fail, the feeling too strong.

I awake by my locker. Not this again.. I always have this dream and it's always the same.

I play along with the story being told and open my locker. I grab the books and other supplies needed for my next class. I shut my locker, just for Emu to be standing there. "Hey Tsukasa!" She says.

I sigh, "hello Emu." I try to smile but it never works. "Come on, turn that frown upside down! There's nothing to be upset about." She pouts.
"Nothing that you're expecting.." I mutter. She looks at me, confused. She walks with me to class. "Tsukasa, I need to use the restroom. I'll be back, save my spot!" I nod, placing my items on her chair.

Minutes pass. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 13 minutes, 20 minutes, 38 minutes. "Tsukasa? Can you check on Emu?" Mrs. Yumeko asks.

I nod, depressed. All because I know exactly whats coming next.

I get up from my chair, not even bothering to push it in because there's no point at all.

Mrs. Yumeko bothers me to push it in but I tune her out.

I put my hand on the door knob to the unisex bathroom. Even though I have this dream more nights than not, my hands still get sweaty, my heart beats fast, I feel the color draining from my face.
I gently open the door.
Emu lay on the floor, her hair, face and top of her uniform drenched in water. Blood slightly dropping from out of her mouth. Her dull and lifeless eyes stare back. She has marker drawings and rude words written on her skin. The sink starts to overflow, the water tinted a small red due to the blood and pressure.

My legs go wobbly, my vision blurs until I disappear from the dream world once again.

I wake up, my face on the piano. Tears flooding my face. Normally after I have the dream, I'm upset and sad. But this time, all I can feel is rage. Maybe cause its time it all caught up to me. Maybe it's cause it hurts to see her like that every night. Maybe because all of it built up inside me. Maybe, it's because it's all real and I JUST started to accept it. My good friend Emu is dead. Just because of me. The people who did that to her did it for revenge on me.

I get up and try to walk to my bedroom. I get half way across the hall until, I look into a full length mirror. I get even more angry, looking at the monster who caused all of this, just for stardom.

I punch the mirror with all my might and the glass shatters to pieces in the floor. Only few remains stuck to the frame. But, enough to see a unfamiliar figure in the reflection.

"Now that was quite harsh don't you think? Fufufu..."~ the reflection responds back to my act of rage.

I step back, who are you? Where are you?" I ask, looking around for him. He's nowhere to be seen except the mirrors small fragmented reflection.

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