09 im sorry. im sorry. im sorry...

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Tsukasa POV:
    Rui, mizuki and I started to have some nice conversations, like how Rui was back in middle school. It was quite funny. He changed souch from how Mizuki had described him.

   I eventually spaced out and stopped including myself in the conversation. Rui and Mizuki just began some one on one talk.
   Then I felt quite tired. But I didn't want to try sleeping sitting up. So I just leaned on Rui's shoulder. I felt myself slowly take in the overwhelming feeling of sleep.

Rui POV:

    I felt something touch my shoulder. Curious, I looked over to see Tsukasa napping on my shoulder. I started to panic. I don't know why exactly. We always do this kind of stuff. So why does it feel so different now?? Maybe I could ask Mizuki? Yeah, maybe later I will. For now, I need to try my best to not show a reaction to Tsukasa being adorable.

Mizuki just stared at the shoulder Tsukasa was leaning on, in shocked silence. "Are you guys dating or some-" "NO!- no." I spoke in a softer tone for getting Tsukasa was sleeping. Fortunately, he remained asleep. A wave of relief washed over me. I didn't wanna be the reason he woke up.

A few hours pass by and me and Mizuki sort of rub out of things to chat about. Suddenly, I feel a small amount of movement on my shoulder.

I look over to see Tsukasa rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Cute. No. That's weird.

   "Hey guys..." He mutters Groggily.
   Mizuki smiles at him.
"Have enough beauty sleep?" I tease, he elbows me in the arm, getting up from my shoulder.

His stomache rumbles. "I'm gonna make some food, alright?" He states, standing up and brushing the nonexistent dust off of his pants.

"Ooh, I love cooking. Can I help!? Pretty please Tsukasa!" Mizuki pleads.

"Sure, you can wait here Rui. No way I'm letting you in the kitchen again after you forgot the water to the ramen.."
I sarcastically rolled my eyes to the last bit of that sentace that he muttered as the two walked into the kitchen. Now, I was alone. What trouble should I get into now?...

Mizuki POV:

Me and Tsukasa agreed on making grilled cheese. I opened up the fridge door and skimmed through the contents to find some good cheese. I found it and set it down on the counter, then I grabbed the butter and closed the fridge. Tsukasa grabbed the bread out of the bread box, and got a frying pan out of the bottom cupboard.

He turned on the stove and set the pan down.

While he was grilling the sandwiches I decided to bug him with a few questions.

"Hey, so do you like Rui?" I asked out of the blue, that's just my thing yk?

If he had a drink in his mouth he definitely would have done one of those dramatic spits that characters do in cartoons when told/asked something totally crazy. He made the exact face as well...

"NO! Wh-where did you get that?.." He mumbled.

"Oh, I don't know just, you both seemed so touchy that I figured something was going on." I stated, picking a small chip of dirt out of my nails, admiring how pretty they were afterward.

"Oh no. It's just a, " bros thing" to us. " He chuckled nervously. I gave up on the teasing and believed him soon enough.

We both laughed a bit until we heard a crash and a groan come from the lounge.
  "RUI!" We yelled in unison. We darted to the lounge quickly to see if our friend was safe.

We saw Rui laid on the floor with a large golden framed photo on top of him.

Tsukasa ran toward him and tried to lift up the painting, I dashed forward and grabbed onto the other end of the painting. Together, we lifted it off of our poor friends back, and hing it back on the wall where it was previously.

Tsukasa lent Rui a hand and sat him down on the couch. Rui laid down on the couch wearing a grumpy expression due to a big red bump on his head, while eating his grilled cheese. I sat beside him laughing, eating my own food. And Tsukasa sat across from us, comforting Rui about it while eating as well.

After we finished eating I checked outside the window and saw how dark it was. I announced that I was going to head back home. I said my goodbyes and left the Tenma (and Rui) household.

Rui POV:

Me and Tsukasa decided to lay down for bed, shortly after Mizuki left. But he was acting quite strange. He didn't want to sleep right beside me like normal. Instead, he laid on the other side of the bed. When I tried to bring it up, he just smoothly changed the subject. I decide dit was probably nothing and tried to sleep on it.

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry

It repeated in my head. I distorted voice. It played so much until.. I could recognise the voice clearly. Tsukasas voice.. What does this mean? What's going on?? I need to wake up. Wake up. Wake up. WAKE UP. WAKE UP. WAKE UP. WAKE UP DAMNIT!

I arose from the horror dream in the dead if night. Just as I feared, Tsukasa wasn't I'm bed. I heard something from the bathroom.

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"Hahh... Haah... AK! nn.."
Tsukasa? What's going on.. Is he grunting or something? I put my ear close to the door, he continued, sounding worse each time.
"Hahhhh.. OW. Errrrrr..." He groaned.
Okay, this is strange, let me check the door. I fiddled with the knob a boy to realize that it was unlocked. I gently opened the door...

Tsukasa stood inside the bathroom, looking at me, horrified. Blood droplets on the floor, the sink, his face and clothes. His arms and legs were covered in fresh crimson slits. Tears filled his eyes as he dropped his knife.
I tried to approach him, tears staining my vision, but everything went black.

I woke up in a cold sweat. To see Tsukasa right next to me, like he wasn't before. He held onto me tight in his sleep. A few tears littered the outside of his eyes.

I noticed fresh badages on one of his arms poking out. So it wasn't a dream..

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