12 Lights Brighter Than my Love

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Tsukasa POV:

I wake up in Rui's arms. Where's Mizuki? I check my phone with one unread message.


Hey srry I gtg! I'll see
You guys later :)

I shut off my phone. I was peacefully snuggling on Ruis chest, (not in a homo way) when I remember. He knew Emu, and he didn't even tell me. No. It's not his fault. He doesn't remember anything about his past life until we revisit the memory. I shouldn't be mad. I guess I'll just try to shake it off. Might be a bit hard though...

Interupting my thoughts, Rui tightly wraps both his arms around me.
"Huh?!" I gasp. He pulls me closer. I know I said no homo before, but this is a bit too much. But, for some reason.. I liked it. I closed me eyes and felt a flashback coming on.

"Hey mom.." Tiny Tsukasa turned the corner and peered into his mothers bedroom.
"Tsu?" She looked at him with welcoming eyes.
"I have a question." He looked down.
She patted a spot on her lap, "I might have an answer."
Little Tsukasa's eyes lit up, he crawled onto the bed and up with his mother.
"Mom, what's it like to fall in love? Kids in class were talking about Valentine's Day and falling in love." He cocked his head and looked at his mom with curious eyes.
"Ah, well... It's different for everyone but, if I had to say, it's a warm feeling. A feeling you don't want to except but a feeling you desite." She smiled at him. "Has someone caught your eye?" She teased.
"No. I just want to know." He smiled, "thank you mom!" They embraced.

I smiled bittersweetly at the remembrance. Mom.. I think, someone has caught my eye..

I looked at Rui peacefully holding me.
Ha, it's funny. The only person who I've ever been in love with, is a ghost.

Rui POV:

I wake up to see Tsukasa staring at me unusually. "Uh, Tsukasa?" I ask.
"Oh uh.." He looks away, his face turning a crimson color. I try not to mind it too much.

I awkwardly let go of him once I realized that I was holding onto him as I slept. He seemed somewhat disappointed. (for whatever reason) He gets up and I do the same.
"Ugh.. My back is killing me.." He groans.
"Wait, hey Tsukasa? Don't we have to go back to school tomorrow? It's Tuesday." I say.
"UGHHH!" He puts his face in his hands. I smile a bit at him being dramatic.

He brushes off the fact that we need to go back to school, "I'm bored, let's go take a walk or whatever." He declares, pointing towards the door. I follow him as he steps outside.

We close the front door behind us as the wind blows harshly at us.

We start to wander around, having a bit of small talk on what we should do with the rest of our day. Mizuki said their busy so we can't all three hang out. Tsukasa said Akito's going to the arcade so he can't introduce us to each other yet. Our options are now limited.

As we're walking by a convince store, something catches Tsukasa's eye.
"Oh, hey Rui! Check that out!" He points at a flier for a show at Phoenix Wonderland.
"Hm, seems interesting. We should go." I say, turning to look at him.

He practically jumps for joy.
I notice the flier says it starts at 6:30 pm. It's currently 6:08.

"We should start to walk there or we'll be late. " I say, taking my hands off the poster.
Tsukasa nods his head and we start to walk to the show. In otice Tsukasa acting a bit strange on the way. He looks at me a lot but when I look back at him his face flushes and he turns away. Or sometimes he'll slowly inch closer towards me. He's also been awful silent. I wonder whats up?

Eventually we start to hear obnoxious theme park music. That's how we know we've arrived at our destination. I check the time, 6:22 . We made it just in time.

We walk up to the ticket booth. "Hello, two tickets please." I ask the ticket man who looks like he absolutely hates his job.
"Alright.. Here you- wait. Tsukasa?!" He pulls down on his hat to make his fiery orange hair lees noticeable to Tsukasa.

Tsukasa perks up. "Hah, Akito? You work here?" He asks in a lsoghlty teasing manner.

"What about it.." He grumbles, obviously embarrassed but he tries to play it cool anyways.

We have a small laugh even though I just met the guy. Then me and Tsukasa for sit down in an empty section in the second row of seats.

More people sit down but not too close to us. Then, the stage lights turn on. The shows about to begin.

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