07 Dont. You. Dare.

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Tsukasa POV:
In 6th period, the teacher left the room to go to the teachers lounge, to get more coffee.

That's when ??? Approached me and Rui. Great.. More trouble. And here I thought I would get a break..

"Hey, Tsukasa." ??? Said.
"What do you want?" I demanded, rolling my eyes. Rui seemed to glance over to notice us talking.
"I just wanted to know how the relationship is going?~" ??? Answered.
"Relatio- what are you talking about?" I asked, annoyed they were bothering me with stupid questions.
"Don't tell me you forgot! Haha!" They put their finger up to their eye, pretending to wipe a tear from laughing.
"You don't remember your girlfriend? The little pink girl?" ??? Tried to stop themselve from laughing.

Suddenly, it hit me like a metal bat. They were talking about Emu. They tried to make fun of her. After she died.

I balled up my fists, and looked down.
"Tsukasa? Are you alright? What are they talking abou-" Rui started to ask, before I launched myself at ???.
Tears ran down my face, I pinned them to the ground and punched and kicked like I never have before.
The whole class started freaking out, a girl ran to get the teacher but I couldn't care less. I continued to beat them up, like they had done to Emu.

Before I could get in the final blow, Rui wrapped his arms around me from behind, holding me back.
I squirmed as much as I could, trying to finish them off.
The teacher ran inside the room to see ??? On the floor, with their hand placed over their eye, crying, bleeding and bruised.
And to see me trying to squirm out of Rui's grip.
"Tsukasa please!" Rui cried, squeezing his eyes shut.
Hearing him cry totally shut me down. I stopped struggling. He took a few deep breaths, not letting me go.

Rui POV:
Me, Tsukasa and ??? Sat at three chairs placed in front of the principals desk. ??? Kept shooting me and Tsukasa dirty looks. It made me feel bad but, Tsukasa didn't have an ounce of regret on his face. It makes me wonder, who were they talking about? What little pink girl? Why did it hurt Tsukasa so much? Well, whatever it was, I'll probably be able to figure it out now. The principal was here.

Mr. Agatsuko POV:
Tenma, the new student Akiyama, and ??? Sat in front of my desk. Apparently there was a fight.
"So, would any of you like to explain?" I asked.
"I WILL! Tsukasa just started attacking me out of nowhere!" ??? Exclaimed.
Tsukasa looked enraged, "NO! YOU MADE FUN OF EMU!" He slammed his fists on the desk, causing the few jars if pens and the nameplate on the desk to jump.

Rui POV:

The principal's expression turned rather grim and upset.
He quietly muttered, "is this true?"
??? Seemed upset by getting exposed. "WELL- IT it wasn't a huge deal.." They slumped down in the back of their seat, arms crossed.
"What do you say happened, Akiyama?" I jumped a bit when he mentioned me. I used the name Akiyama cause it's the only one I remember.
"Ah, they did mention a girl along the lines of that, yes." I replied, trying to keep my cool.

I saw Tsukasa take a deep breath.
"???, we don't joke about events like those. Miss Emu Otori will be missed and it is disrespectful to speak of the dead like that." He snapped.

It remained silent in the room for a few minutes, as he wrote ??? And Tsukasa OSS slips.
I couldn't help but feel I know an Emu Otori. Where would I know that name??
Oh! He mentioned her being dead right? Maybe somewhere in the mirror realm?! I tried to put my finger on it. It's like I knew what to say but it wouldn't process. It was quite frustrating.

Wait. Pink hair, short, Emu. I KNOW HER! I DO! She's one of my closer friends from the mirror realm. Along with Toya, Ena and Minori. Ena recently joined the mirror realm, fun fact.

"Alright, your free to go home. Remember, don't come back till Wednesday. OSS is to be taken seriously!" Mr. Agatsuko said, strictly. We nodded our heads, to show we were somewhat listening.

I started to walk home with Tsukasa. I looked over at him. He seemed troubled. And I mean more than the normal. Well, no wonder.. A lot just happened but I still need to do the best I can to comfort him.

"Hey, if you don't mind me asking, what was all of that about?" I shyly asked, looking down to my shoes.
"An old friend." He coldly answered. I could tell he wasn't in a talking mood, so I shut up.

Tsukasa POV:
Today was an awful day. More awful than normal. I just wanted to go home and stop existing forever. But I can't leave Rui, so I'll wait a bit before I do anything dumb.

We finally made it home. I looked up at Rui. "You need to wash your hair." I said, out if the blue.
He looked at me, jokingly offended.
He then put a smile grin on his face.
"Then you do it for me." He nonchalantly responded.
I sighed a loud and tiring sigh, "fine, come on." I dragged him by his wrist to my upstairs bathroom.
I forced him to kneel over the sink. I turned on the water to a good temperature and started wetting his hair. Then I proceeded both the shampoo and conditioner. I used 2 in 1.

I didn't mention it, but I really enjoyed it. Recently, I've been enjoying any chance I had to a member physical touch with Rui. I don't know why.

Being able to stroke his hair like this for accidentally touch his face without it mattering made me feel all queasy inside.

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