06 Are You Falling In Love?

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Rui POV:
Since I appeared at this school so suddenly, the teachers just put me in class with Tsukasa.
I used a different last name though, so they wouldn't recognise me. There is new staff, but I wanted to be sure.

First period, we sat down in the desks next to each other in the back of the classroom.
I had a bit of a hard time trying to figure out, what exactly we're supposed to be learning but, it's ok cause I just cheated off of Tsukasa. <33

??? POV:
"Hey, who's that with Tsukasa?" I ask, getting ??'s attention.
"I don't know, he just showed up after he caught ???? Beating the shit out of Tsukasa."

"A bodyguard maybe? Hmm. Probably not, nobody cared before so why would they now? Pshh.." I chuckled.
Everyone made fun of, The schools joke, Tsukasa Tenma. Nobody actually cared about him and his feelings. Not even the people at home. So he was obviously the best target. It's hilarious!

"Maybe it's a boyfriend?~" ?? Teased.
"hehe. We should ask later. For a reaction." I suggested.
He nodded his head before Ms. Yumeko told us to quiet down.

Tsukasa POV:
I try my best to focus on my work but my mind keeps dozing away from the worksheet in front of me.
Today in particular, I can't get, the situation, out of my head. No matter how hard I try, I can't forget about seeing my best friends corpse in the school restroom.
Something strange is that, I don't remember what happened after. I don't know how I found my way back home, I don't know how I kept living. Why should I anyways?
"Tsukasa?~" Rui wraps his arms around my neck.
"GAH! Rui.." I get out of my chair and grab my things, noticing it's just the two of us left remaining in the classroom.

We walk out the door to the rooftop. That's where I eat, so I can be by myself. But now that Rui is around, I don't think I'll ever be by myself ever again... And I don't mind.. As long as it's him keeping me company.

Rui POV:
Tsukasa opens his box and starts to eat but I leave my own, untouched.
He looks up at me, "are you gonna eat? I worked hard making your lunch yesterday.." He scowled.

"Eh? Not hungry." I replied, shoving the box his way.
He frowned and pushed it back my way.
I smiled and pushed it his way.
We repeated this game for a while until he gave up at that tactic.

He opened it up and grabbed a piece of food. "Say, Ahh." He said, grumpily.
I playfully opened my mouth, but to my surprise, he stuck a piece of food in my mouth.

I felt my face go a bit red while I chewed. I'm not quite sure why though. Back in the mirror realm, Toya did tell me a bit about some more emotions other than the basic ones everyone knows. Such as happy, sad, angry and scared. Toya taught me, nervousness, patience and, love.

Based on his description of it, could I be.. In love with Tsukasa?

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