21 A Delicate Heart

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Rui POV:

The cool windy breeze messed with my hair, it felt good but then..why did I feel like shit? Well maybe because I just had a fight with my boyfriend just because I was being selfish.

I sat down on a nearby park bench to drown myself in my own thoughts. Something I've only done once or twice since I've came here. I guess that makes three now though.

After thinking too deep into my mistake of a life, I scoff at myself. Why was I so selfish?? I should have just let him help. He is apart of this situation after all...

I stood up and took a deep breath. I know what I need to do...

Tsukasa POV:

I wiped the waterfalls of tears coming from my eyes. Once they finally stopped, I took a glance in the mirror. Yup. I look either high, or like I was crying for a while. Obviously the second one is correct, I don't plan on touching drugs any time soon.

I started to think about the argument more in depth than I have been while crying in bed. I shouldnt have let Rui go. I shouldn't have been mad at him in the first place! What is wrong with me?!

I slap mys3lf in the face to get some sense knocked into myself, but all it does is make my cheek hurt. Yet again another bad idea Tsukasa.. Why can't I do anything right, god?!

I wipe my eyes and pull my phone out of the left pocket of my black pants. 5:46. It's been about an hour and a half since the fight happened. I really want to apologize. But would that be too desperate?? Or pathetic?? No! I can't be thinking like that right now. I have ever to go say sorry to Rui.

I put my phone back and start to trudge downstairs. Once I notice he's not in the living room, I check the kitchen. Nope. Hes not in the bathroom, or Saki's old empty bedroom either. A panic rushes over me. Oh no...

Rui POV:

I knock on the dark wooden door. Mizuki rubs their eyes, they obviously just woke up from a nap based on their tired additude and the sleep mask on their forehead.

"Eh, Rui? Where Tsukasa...? " Mizuki managed to say before yawning and stretching a bit. "We uh.. Got into a fight." I said, twiddling with my this and trying not to cry even more than  I already have.

"Oh shoot! Was it bad...?" Mizuki said, losing the Tiredness from their tone. I sighed and lowered my head.

They invited me inside to talk to them more about the situation.

"So basically, I have to go soon permanently. And I didn't tell Tsukasa because I didn't want him to worry. Then he got mad that I didn't tell her when he found out..." I said, fighting tears from the sad memory.

Mizuki looked at me emptily for a second before looking at me with sorrow, "Oh..." They looked down at their feet to avoid eye contact.

I know it's because they didn't want me to leave. They then took a deep breath and scooted closer towards me. Then pulling me into a hug and tried to continue talking, "You-You should go visit and try to e-explain." They said in between sniffles and slight tears.

I hugged Mizuki back. "Thanks, Mizu. Just remember if I dont see you again, you'll always be one ofy greatest friends and I'm really glad to have met you." I said smiling, tears rolling down my cheeks.

They broke out into an ugly cry, "don't say that! I'll see you! Just you wait!" They said as I left through their front door. Nene already knew so I decided to make the difficult quest of heading home to apologize for being selfish.

When I got there I quietly slipped in through the front door making sure I wasn't heard. As I was about to tiptoe upstairs, Tsukasa launched himself at me. "RUI, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" I was shocked at the gesture, he's supposed to be mad at me..! So why isn't he??

I backed away, "why- why aren't you upset? Why are you happy to see me?" I said, frowning while fighting back my fifth set of tears for the day so far.

"You don't just run away like that! Plus, you did nothing wrong, you were just worried about me and I should have realized that before snapping at you. I'm sorry, Rui..." He said. I kissed him on the forehead, "you have nothing to be sorry for, don't worry about it, Tsukasa." I replied sharing a smile yet sincere smile with him.

I looked deep into his eyes and he looked into mine, until the world around us starting fading into a purplish blue color. My heart dropped. Oh no...

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