16 I Want To Go Home

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Tsukasa POV:
I finish painting Rui's nails at last, "Alright, now be careful. They need to finish drying!" I say confidently as if I'm at pro at this stuff.

I look at my own nails, Rui painted them orange, to match my hair. It was a good choice. I painted his purple, to match his hair.

I look over to see Nene, Mizuki and Akito talking. "Rui, we should go join them." I suggest, pointing over to the three. Rui smiles, "Why not." We get up and sit down next to them, "You mind if we join you?" I ask playfully. They laugh.

I look at Akito's hands. "I'm surprised you managed to paint his nails." I say. Akito's face turns red out of embarrassment, and everyone else giggles a bit at my remark.

A wave of remembrance overwhelms me when I look at Nene's smile. It's almost like.. She reminds me of... Emu.

I start to feel nauseous and dizzy, "I'll be right back..." I say, running down the hallway.

I hurry into the bathroom, not listening to anything their saying to me.

I throw up in the toilet. "Hah... Ah.." I breathe heavily. I stand up to look in the mirror.

Oh no. I panic, trying to fix my hair, adjust my smile, brighten my eyes. But it all comes flooding back. The aftermath of that day. I collapse to the floor.

"Mr Tenma?... Mr Tenma?" I wake up in the schools nurses office. I hear faint sirens going off from outside.

My mom finishes signing the student sign out sheet and walks over to me, "Tsu..." She pulls me into an embrace. I feel tears litter the outside if my eyes. "Emu's mother called, she-she didn't make it." My mom sniffs a bit, she was crying too. Emu was practically my sister.

I start to heavy cry. Tears don't stop and I don't even care, my best friend of 7 years is dead. And I'm sure I could have done something. I know exactly what. I could have just, NOT been a coward and killed myself. I was supposed to but nooooo. Now all of this is my fault.

"I-i I wanna go home." I manage to say through the tears. "Come on honey, let's go home. " Mom picks me up, like she used to when I was a little kid. Normally, I'd be embarrassed to be held by my mom, it's a public area and I'm a high schooler... But now, I just hold on to her cause she and Saki are all I have left.

Mom said I fell asleep in the car. I wake up in my bed with Saki by my side. Sometimes when she's scared or has a nightmare she'll go to me or mom. This time she didn't have a nightmare, she just felt I needed comforting, and I did.

I stroke sleeping Saki's head and I sit up, being careful not to wake her. I feel an ounce better knowing my sister and mom are there for me. I love them, if I lose them, what would I do?

I stand up. Then, I look in the mirror.

Rui POV:

"Tsukasa, wake up!" I frantically cry. I hold his unconscious body in my arms, Nene stands at my side, biting her nails (what she does when she's nervous.) Akito tries to comfort crying Mizuki. They act a lot like siblings.

Just like Mizuki, I'm crying too. I want him to wake up. No. I need him to wake up. I need to know if he's okay.

Suddenly, Tsukasa's eyes slowly open a bit. "Rui.." He groggily mutters my name.

"Tsukasa!" We all exclaim Leanign closer to him.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Mizuki bombarded him with questions of all sorts, some relates to the topic, some not.

"Mizu." Akito puts a hand on their shoulder, basically telling them to be quiet.

"I'm fine... Is everyone okay? And yes I do like penguins." Tsukasa said, then answering Mizuki's strange question.

Mizuki POV:

Eventually, we get everything figured out and we all get our sleeping stuff around in the living room. It's getting late and we're kinda tired. But, awake enough to play one more game!

"Rui, truth or dare?" I ask. He sits puzzled for a moment, "Dare." Heakes a funny face at me, indicating he's ready for any weird dare.

I think for a second, "I dare you to, eat a vegetable!" As soon as I say that, he looks at me in pure terror. "..." He goes quiet.

I grab a piece of Broccoli from the fridge, then sit back down on the floor. "Say, Ahh!" I demonstrate. He acts like a kid going to the dentist.

I force his mouth open and shove the broccoli in his mouth. His face shows utter disgust and he spits it out all over my face.

"Gross!" I exclaim, then shortly after we all burst into laughter. Even though I have spit and broccoli pieces on my face, it's quite hilarious if I do say so myself.

Tsukasa gives me a towel to clean up my face with. Once I finish cleaning up, we move into the next round.

"Hmm, Akito. Truth or dare? " Rui asks.

Akito looks up from checking out his nails. "Truth." He says.

I mouth the word, coward at him and he sticks out his tongue.

We play for a bit until, Akito falls asleep. We draw a mustache on his face esince he fell asleep first. Tsukasa falls asleep second, Rui didn't let us draw anything on him.

Nene falls asleep next, we draw a silly squiggle. Then me and Rui call it a draw  and we both fall asleep.

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