13 You shine brighter than stars

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Tsukasa POV:

The stage turn on, my stomach gets queasy. After this show, I'm going to confess to Rui. He's been around long enough to know what love is, right?

Spotlight goes onto a girl with pale green hair. Wait, isn't that Nene? From Rui's past memories?!

Another spotlight appears next to Nene. It shows up on a girl with pink hair in small pig tails with the rest down. Beside her, another spotlight flashes onto yet another girl, this time she had beige pinkish hair in a ponytail. They had on sparkly and flashy outfits, with equally sparkly hair accessories and makeup.

A catchy quick beated song started playing from large speakers. The girls began to dance a flashy dance that looked incredibly difficult to master. Everyone in the crowd watched in awe, smiling brighter than I'd ever seen anyone smile before. No matter how much I enjoyed the performance though, I felt something was missing or off in a way.

Maybe they were missing a part of the dance, maybe the song wasn't quite right, maybe they were just really nervous, or maybe, just maybe, I'm being a paranoid bum.

I guess I'm just nervous about confessing to Rui. So many things could go wrong. What if he asked me what love meant? What if he doesn't share my feelings? What if he makes fun of me?? What if he laughs at me?? What if- nope. I can't be doing this to myself. My self esteem is already low enough, I can't give myself any more emotional damage or it'll be deeper than my future grave.

I looked back up at the stage to distract myself from my thoughts. All of a sudden, the lights on the stage shit off and the music went quiet. Everyone looked around. But then, the music's beat started up again louder and flashier than ever. The lights turned on once again, but shinier and in colors corresponding the girls color schemes. A couple confetti bombs went off. People were reaching up to catch the colorful pieces of paper from the air. I found myself and Rui to be some of those people.

We looked at each other to see how much both of us got, and who caught more. It was Rui because he was taller, but that's not the point...

Eventually, I could tell the show was coming to an end soon enough. I started to sweat. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna confess to Rui!

Rui POV:
I smiled watching the show. I loved it. It may sound weird but, I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much without Tsukasa. He seems to make me smile a lot more than usual lately.

I think it is true. I think, I'm in love with Tsukasa. It has to be true. But maybe there's a verification I can take. Who knows?

I felt myself sweat a little bit.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." He nodded, letting me know he heard me. I stood up from my seat and walked to the restroom.

I opened to door. Akito stood inside, leaning on the sink, holding a uhhhh... Cig. (Stop doing that stuff Akito👿)
He saw me and his it behind his back, and tried to hide the suspicious look on his face.
"It's fine, I don't care.." I said, putting my hands up as if I were surrendering to somebody.

He pulled the cig back out and had a quick sigh of relief.

I thought about what I was thinking about before. I don't actually have to use the restroom, I just needed a space to clear my head. Though, maybe Akito can help me?

"Uhh, hey. This is a bit awkward but. I have a question for you. It's about Tsukasa."
He raised an eyebrow. I stepped closer to him. "Okay so.. A friend told me about love because I never knew too much about it. And now, I'm feeling the same way towards Tsukasa. Am I just going crazy or is this real?!" I buried my face in my hands.

I peaked through a crack in between my fingers. I saw his shocked expression. I could tell he was trying to think of the right words to tell me.

Tsukasa POV:
Rui came back from the bathroom looking confident yet nervous. I didn't question it, I had my own thing to be nervous about.

At one point during the show, fireworks started errupting in the sky. This is perfect.

Rui POV:
I looked up at the shimmering fireworks in the sky. They're beautiful.. But not as beautiful as- "Rui." Tsukasa tugged on the sleeve of my shirt. I looked slightly down at him, due to him being a little bit shorter than me.

"Rui." He repeated. "I never could find the words to tell you, or the time. But I can't hold back any longer. Rui, I love you more than anyone else. And, it would honor me, to be your boyfriend!"

Hey guys! It's me again. Been a while since I spoke on here, huh? First off, Merry Christmas!! If you celebrate it obvi❤ second off, sorry for making Akito insanely fannon. Akito reminds me of my brother so, I kinda projected him a bit too much like him. Sorry about that. Anyways, I love you guys❤❤sorry about the cliffhanger (kinda sorry actually 😈)

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