Chapter Eight

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My dad was frozen, and I had no idea what to say.
"But, how? What did he do to you?" His eyes were wide, and I was still trying to figure out what to say.

"It's been... crazy. I don't even know where to start." I told him. He stepped to the side and let me in, still in shock. "Chris gave it a month, and couldn't do it anymore. He turned me and now I'm a complete monster. I don't have a bit of human in me anymore." I started to cry, and my dad grabbed me and hugged me tightly. We stood there for a few minutes and then he helped me take my bags upstairs to my bedroom. It was the exact same as when I left.

"I'll let you get settled in, Grave. Let me know when you're ready to talk. I think we need to discuss this." I knew he knew of the existence of vampires and demons and such, just from his past, but he never expected his daughter to be a monster. I started to unpack my bags and place things in my closet. My phone was still on airplane mode, but I couldn't be bothered to answer anyone. I mean, was I really going to go through with this? I'd have to restart my whole life, back from square one. Chris was the only one who understood what I was. I was confused and lost. I laid down on my bed and eventually passed out.
I woke up to my dad banging on my door. I shot up out of bed and ran to the door.

"I've been knocking for twenty minutes straight, Grave. Did you tell Chris where you were going? Does he know you're here?" My dad questioned. I stared at him blankly. "Grave, he's called me fifty times! He's worried sick." For once, a part of me didn't care. I just shook my head. When I turned airplane mode off I got all of the messages. There had to be over a hundred missed calls and texts.

"I think I'm ready to explain everything." My dad came in and sat down at my desk chair. I caught him up on everything, Thanatos, me coming back, Ghosts betrayal, and what Chris had said. My dad looked down as he shook his head.

"Chris said you're in danger, that Desi is after you. Do you know that?" I nodded and whispered, "yes". He stood up and ran his hands through his hair, frustrated with the situation. "Damn it, Grave. And all of this because Ghost was jealous. I don't even know how to fix this." My phone continued to ring, and then my dads rang. He answered it and looked over at me. It was Chris, I could hear his voice through the speaker. He was panicking.

"Zak, Desi is alive and she doesn't remember anything. She believed every piece of shit Thanatos fed her. I don't know what her next move is, but she's out for vengeance." Chris explained with heavy breathing.

"Chris, calm down, I heard your messages and saw the texts. Grave is sitting right here and it's the safest place for her." My dad was always good at calming him down, but I felt as though I could feel his heart racing even more.

"Can I talk to her?" My dad was silent, and Chris sighed. "It was a stupid question. Just please let her know I love her. I need her back." Chris hung up the phone and my dad looked over at me.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" I nodded, my mind had been made up. "I'll call the lawyer. Get some rest, we will get papers done tomorrow."

It had been three days since Grave left me, all because I couldn't control my words. I had her back and then she was gone, just like that. It didn't hurt like the first time, but it made my heart sink. I had upset her deeply, and nothing could be done to take back what I had said to her. I was stuck in my thoughts while watching TV when there was a knock on the door. I got up and looked through the peephole, it was a sheriff's deputy.

"Mr. Christopher Cerulli?" He was stern, and holding an envelope.

"Yes, sir? Can I help you?" I was starting to get worried. He handed me the envelope.

"You've been served with divorce papers from Grave Bagans. I'm sorry." My heart felt like it had been ripped out. I fell to my knees and the sheriff deputy placed his hand on my shoulder as he apologized again and walked off.

I ripped open the envelope and sat down at the bar. She wasn't asking for anything, just the divorce. I sat there feeling all alone, awaiting Desi to come back and take me out of my misery. I had no life without Grave.

"You're the one that thought it, not me." I fell off of the bar stool. Desi had startled me. "Relax, I'm here to help you. I promise."

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