Chapter Twenty-Four

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I took a deep breath and climbed over the chain link fence that was surrounding the building. I could smell Grave, I knew she was here, but she wasn't alone. I slowly crept up to the door that was cracked open, and pushed it while holding the gun in my hand. There she was, tied up, defenseless, she had blood all around her and she was passed out cold. I could tell she was still alive, though. I looked around and ran to her, then got down and started untying her. She opened her eyes and instantly started crying.

"No, Chris you have to go. You're in danger, just leave me here." She begged in a whisper. I looked at her as if she was insane.

"Are you crazy? I'm getting you out of here. I know what this is about, I can handle it." I whispered back to her. I then heard a clapping coming from a dark corner behind me.

"We started wondering if you'd ever show up, Mr. Cerulli." Fuck, I thought to myself. I was hoping they were off sleeping somewhere else, I should have known better, though. Grave tried to warn me. I undid the last knot quickly and noticed her arms were burned where the rope was. The ropes were too tight for her to bust. I stood up in front of Grave and kept her behind me.

"At first she was going to be a ploy, a pawn to get you here, but then we realized she was just like you. And somehow, you managed to have a completely human child," Onyx said as she inched close to us. Grave had a tight grip on my arm.

"You better not touch a single fucking hair on Cassie," I spat out through gritted teeth. Onyx laughed.

"Wow, daddy gets fiery over his little girl," she said with a grin, "but relax, Christopher. I'm not going to harm a human child. That would go against our code. I just hope you two have it written in a will somewhere of who takes care of her if you two were to ever suddenly pass away." She was right. Though we had all of an eternity together, I was always worried something like this would happen. Custody was to be split between the band members, but of one so chooses that they want to be the sole guardian we have it written that that is okay.

"Onyx, Vesper, I want to settle this without violence. I'll pay you, I'll do anything. Just leave my family alone. I don't harm anyone, I never have. I just want peace." I pleaded. Onyx and Vesper looked at each other, as if they were communicating telepathically. They were standing right in front of us now, and I felt a sharp stab in my stomach. I hit the ground on my knees, and apparently that was the fire that Grave needed. I felt her jump off my back and watched as she took Onyx down to the ground with a thud. She started slamming her head on the ground, hard, and I watched in horror as Vesper rammed the dagger into her back. She screamed in pain and I pushed myself off the ground. I struggled to get over to her before Onyx hopped on top of her. She had Graves head in her hands, she was about to snap her neck. Vesper grabbed my arms and pulled me back, then held my head in his heads, forcing me to watch Grave.

"The fun is, you get to watch her die, I get to watch you scream and cry, and then I get to kill your." Vesper said as he laughed. These people were mad. Onyx tightened her grip on Grave, and twisted harder. All I could think was that this was it, I was going to lose her once and for all. I tightly shut my eyes, I couldn't watch her go. All I could hear were her legs kicking as she struggled. Then, BANG BANG. I opened my eyes as I was shocked. Onyx was dead on the ground in a pool of blood that was building, and Ricky was standing with the gun in his hands. Vesper let go of me and charged at Ricky, but Ricky fired a round into his chest. All I could hear outside were sirens, and I saw cops rushing in. At that moment, though, I only cared about Grave. I ran over to her and pulled her onto my lap as I caressed her cheek. Her eyes opened, and she smiled softly at me. Ricky squat down next to us.

"I'm okay, Ricky. How did you know where we were?" Grave asked. Ricky smiled at her, and we both helped her stand up.

"Chris shared his location with me months ago, and I just never told him to stop sharing it with me. I figured it would come in handy one day." Ricky explained. I was wondering how he always knew where I was. The cops came in and got the statement from us, and let us go home finally. The sun was coming up by the time we pulled up to the house, and when we walked in Salem ran straight to us to hug us.

"I, uh, I called the whole band to come watch Cassie." Ricky explained as we walked in. Everyone was in the kitchen making breakfast, and Grave ran off to the bathroom to shower.

"I made pancakes!" Vinny shouted as he pointed to a plate of soft fresh pancakes.

"That sounds wonderful." I said. I grabbed a few and made a plate for Cassie, then sat down at the table with her to cut it into pieces. Grave joined us quickly after her shower. She was in her pajamas with her wet hair wrapped in a towel. I smiled, looking back and forth at Grave and Cassie.

"What's the matter, babe?" Grave asked. I shook my head as I took a sip of coffee.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about how I'm the luckiest man on earth to have two beautiful girls in my life." I gripped her hand and kissed the top of it as she blushed. Our family was whole, and happy.

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