Chapter Twenty

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We had finally reached our three month mark of the pregnancy, and Chris couldn't be more ecstatic. I, on the other hand, was sick every day. I couldn't wait for the pregnancy to be over. As I hobbled to the bathroom to throw up, I could hear Chris banging around downstairs. Today was the day that we would find out the gender, and we were supposed to do a small get together with the band and family to reveal it tonight.

"Grave, are you getting ready? The photographer will be here soon!" I heard Chris shout from downstairs. I sighed as I brushed my teeth and plugged in my curling iron. I had almost forgotten about maternity pictures. Chris was going to use these pictures and the gender reveal to announce to the fan base that we were in fact pregnant again.
When I finished getting ready I walked downstairs and I was greeted by Ricky and everyone else.

"Grave! Look at you, you look amazing! Would have never known you were just vomiting!" Ricky exclaimed. I shook my head smiled lightly. I was almost too exhausted to deal with this shit. He leaned down to my stomach and placed his hand on it. "And how is our devil rainbow baby?" He said in a baby talk voice. Chris came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Please don't call our baby a 'Devil rainbow baby'. It's a perfectly normal baby that Desi has promised to us because she fucked some things up. This is our happy ending to that chapter." Chris told him. He stood up and smiled at Chris and me.

"I'm just saying, I think I saw some horns on that sonogram," Ricky joked, "but really, you both seem so happy now. You two deserve this."
It wasn't long before people started to show up, and Chris and I had just finished pictures. As a gift when we found out I was pregnant, Chris had gotten me a wicker chair like Morticia Addams from the Addams Family, so I was sitting on it on the porch next to Chris while he held my hand tightly. I wasn't fond of crowds of people, so I didn't want to stand and socialize at all, and Chris was just planted wherever I was as if he was a dog with abandonment issues.

"What are you hoping for, Grave?" Chris finally asked, breaking our silence. I smiled over at him.

"Well, I would really like a girl, and I wanna name her Cassie. What about you, daddy?" He smiled real big.

"I just want a mini you. A girl who's eyes shine as bright as yours, who's fiercely independent but not afraid to fall in love. I want her to be like you in a sense that you were always fighting your own battles, you never once had to rely on me or any other man. Of course, if we had a son that's kick ass like me I'd be okay with that, too." He placed his hand on my stomach, and the baby started kicking. His face lit up, he truly was a happy man now, and I was more in love with him than ever before. Something about all of this just felt right, and stable. We were an actual married couple, starting a happy family, owning a house together.
Chris gripped my hand as we sliced the cake together and placed the slice on a plate. It was pink, we were having a girl. Chris started to tear up, and he gripped me close to him. All I could do was smile at the thought of him having a baby girl. I knew he'd be one hell of a dad, but now he's going to be a girl dad.

"Hey, congratulations." A quiet voice said as they walked up to us. I looked up at them as I was sitting in my chair. Chris was fuming, and I was just speechless. I straightened out my black maxi dress, and took off my black wide brim hat, then placed my hand on Chris' thigh.

"Let the past stay in the past, Chris. Let it be. Devin, what are you doing here? You disappeared for months, and now all the sudden you show up to our house?" Chris was biting his tongue as I spoke to Devin.

"Well, I came to just talk to y'all, but when I came around to all of the noise I saw everything, and you're pregnant! I had no clue. I just wanted to apologize for everything. It looks like everything turned out just fine, though. I'm really happy for you two. I mean it." Chris didn't say a word, and Devin turned to walk away. Chris stood up and shouted out to him, and he turned around.

"Don't ever come back here, you need to stay away from me and my family. If anything happens to my family because of you, I will kill you. That's a fucking promise, Devin. Don't look at Grave, don't touch Grave, don't even speak her name. Get out of here." Chris was talking through gritted teeth as he got in Devin's face. I got up to separate the two, but got in between them right as Chris was throwing a punch. I gripped my nose as I fell to the ground, and Chris instantly got down with me.

"I think you broke my fucking nose." I told him. He grabbed my hands away to look at it, and I saw his eyes go wide.

"Grave, I am so sorry. What do I need to do? Tell me what to do." He was in sheer panic mode. I grabbed his shoulder to balance myself as I stood up, and helped me stand.

"Take me to the ER, this really fucking hurts, man." With that being said, he helped walk me to the car and loaded me in the passenger side, then handed me a few napkins to catch the blood.

"Fuck, Grave, I'm so sorry. I totally fucked all of this up. You know that wasn't intentional, right?" He felt awful. I grabbed his hand tightly as we drove to the hospital.

"Chris, it's fine. I know. But fuck, if you wanted alone time just tell me, don't punch my fucking nose." I joked with him. He looked over at me with an unamused expression.
As I sat on the bed in the doctors office, Chris kept apologizing. Then, when the doctor came in, he made sure to assure the doctor it was just an accident.

"Mrs. Cerulli, is this true? Was it an accident?" The doctor asked. I snorted at the thought of Chris intentionally being violent.

"Are you kidding me? Christopher Cerulli being a wife beater? Nah, he was trying to punch someone else, and I got in the way." The doctor just stared at me and then nodded his head.

"Well, Chris, you've got a pretty strong fist. You shattered her nose. It will be completely okay, though." The doctor assured him. Chris put his hand over his chest and took a deep breath, and the doctor walked out after bandaging my nose.

"Well, at least we can tell our daughter about this. I'm sure there are a few pictures of it, too." I told Chris as I got in the car. He shook his head, and lightly laughed.

"Grave, babe, I punched you in the face, I shattered your nose! Do you think we should really tell Cassie that?" He asked. I shrugged.

"All she's going to know is how much dad loves mom, how close and protective dad is of mom, let's throw a wrench in that." I joked. Chris gripped my hand, and then kissed it.

"I can't wait to show our daughter how much I love you." He said as he looked into my eyes. I smiled, and leaned in to kiss him, then he reached into his pocket of his black dress pants.

"I was supposed to give this to you in front of everyone, but you know, I kind of punched you instead." He explained as he pulled out a black box. He handed it to me, and I opened it. It was a beautiful garnet coffin shaped diamond ring.

"Chris, it's beautiful. I love it." I told him. He pulled it out and placed it on my right hand ring finger.

"This is my promise that through all of this I will stay by you. Through thick and thin, through labor, through any problems, through the tough, long nights. I will be right there." I couldn't wait to parent with him, and watch as he falls in love with our baby girl.

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