Chapter Fourteen

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Grave's POV

I stared at the test in shock. We had only been trying for a month, and most the time we weren't even trying. I wasn't sure what to do, or even what to tell him. How do you call your husband while he's on tour and tell him this? So I called the only person I thought to call in this situation; Ricky, his best friend and confidant.

"Hey, is everything okay?" He asked as soon as he picked up. I sighed.

"Are you away from Chris?" I asked him. He was quiet for a few minutes, and I could hear Chris laughing in the background.

"Who's on the phone, Ricky?" I heard Chris ask.

"Your wife! No, but really, it's your wife." Damn it , Ricky, "you're on speaker now, Grave. Was there something important?" I had to think on my toes, but it was too late.

"Grave! I had been trying to call you, I called you five times!" Chris shouted. I was silent, and he sounded upset.

"I know, I was busy." That was all I could say. His questions came rapidly.

"Busy? With what? Grave, what is going on? You're hiding something from me." He continued asking more questions, and I cut him off.

"Chris, can we talk about this later?" I finally asked. He sighed.

"Look, Grave, whatever it is, I want you to know I'm here. You can tell me anything. I mean, I'm your husband and hopefully one day the father of your kid." There was pure silence after that. I didn't say a word. "Grave, are you still there?" He asked.

"Chris I don't even know how to tell you what I need to tell you." I finally said.

"Just say it, and whatever it is we can work it out when I get back from tour in a couple of months." Well, wouldn't be something? 'Welcome back, honey, I'm two months pregnant!' I guess it was now or never to tell him.


I waited patiently for Grave to tell me what was happening, and to be honest, my heart was pounding. I almost cancelled the tour because I wasn't sure what to expect with me being gone. She sighed, and then started speaking.

"Chris, I went ahead and took a pregnancy test because I was so sick. I expected it to be negative, I thought I had a stomach flu, but-"  I cut her off.

"Are you-are you saying your pregnant?" I asked her, in complete shock. We hadn't even been trying. She was quiet and then steadily said, "yes". I didn't know what to say at all. The band stared at me, and Ricky placed his hand on my shoulder. I put my hand over my mouth, and I felt the tears start streaming. I was going to be a dad, and everything would be right this time.

"Are you crying?" She asked. I could tell she was laughing through tears, she had been crying herself.

"I'm not a wimp, Grave. But yes, I am." She laughed a little more, and the band started "wooing" and high-fiving me.

"Congrats, your dick works!" Justin shouted. I lightly punched him on the arm, and Grace and I said our goodbyes and hung up.

"I'm gonna be a dad. I'm gonna be a great fucking dad!" I shouted. We were in the middle of the restaurant eating breakfast, and there was a bit of awkward applauding. Then it hit me, I was going to miss the first few months of everything. The first appointment, the sonograms, all of it. I gotta get home, I have to get home to be there for her and protect her. It had been oddly calm for us, and now that we have a baby on the way I was terrified things would go south quickly. My mind raced with every possibility.

"Chris, are you good? You kind of spaced out?" Ricky asked. I nodded my head, not wanting to ruin the moment for them.

"Yeah I'm fine, I was just thinking about everything. Y'all think Grave will be okay, right?" Ricky gave my a Pat on the back as he stood up.

"Chris, I've never met a stronger woman. She will be just fine, you'll see her in a couple months." Ricky was right. Grave was one hell of a woman, but now would be the time for something to happen.  Even knowing that Grave could handle herself, I was still terrified. The fear of losing her was stronger than ever, and I just knew I needed to go back to be with her.

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